A collection of reports prepared in view of a conference organized by the Faculty of Law of the Rijksuniversiteit Limburg at Maastricht on the occasion of its tenth anniversary in September 1991. The object of the conference ""Legal Education in the Future"" was to discuss whether one should develop in the near, or at least foreseeable, future, a ""European Law School"", in which the ""ius commune Europaeum"" would replace the national legal system as the central element of the curriculum. In all European countries, at present, law and the teaching of law tend to focus on national concerns. Comparative law is mostly concerned to emphasize the differences between legal systems and less to searching for common roots and principles.;The conference participants examine the intellectual resources that might allow for a redirection of the emphasis towards the teaching of common rules and principles in a ""European Law School"" accessible to students of all countries and leading to transnational professional careers. Topics covered include public law, private law, company and economic law, criminal law, labour and social law, and social and scientific views.