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Facing the Past: Policies and Good Practices for Responses to Illegal Intercountry Adoptions

Edited by: Elvira Loibl, David M. Smolin

ISBN13: 9789047301882
Published: April 2024
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £75.00

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In a growing number of countries, inquiries into past intercountry adoptions take place that identify systemic abuses and irregularities and conclude that adoption stakeholders encouraged or facilitated illegal intercountry adoptions. However, so far, the response from these stakeholders has been inadequate in addressing the profound human rights violations endured by those affected by illegal adoptions. Despite the growing movement of adoptees advocating for justice on behalf of themselves and their birth families and communities, adoption stakeholders in both sending and receiving countries have remained largely passive, lacking a coherent strategy to confront and rectify illegal intercountry adoptions. This inertia is exacerbated by the wide gap in adequate regulations regarding remedies and reparations for illegal intercountry adoptions.

Facing the Past: Policies and Good Practices for Responses to Illegal Intercountry Adoptions aims to fill this critical gap by offering insights and recommendations to guide the process of reconciliation. Bringing together the contributions from scholars from various disciplines and adoptees themselves, this volume presents and discusses actionable measures that adoption stakeholders in both sending and receiving countries can employ to address the injustices inflicted upon victims of illegal intercountry adoptions. Targeting a diverse audience, including academics, policymakers, and adoption stakeholders, the book seeks to foster a path toward healing and accountability within the complex terrain of intercountry adoption.

Family Law, Children