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The WTO and the Doha Round: The Changing Face of World Trade

ISBN13: 9789041199478
ISBN: 9041199470
Published: October 2003
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £188.00

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The appointment of Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi as Director-General of the World Trade Organization in 2002 reflects the changing power realities within the WTO. Coupled to this is the growing sense among developing countries that they have been cheated in the way the Uruguay Round commitments have been implemented and a return to unilateralism by the U.S.. The world trading system thus stands at a crossroads. The success of the current Doha Round of trade negotiations hangs in the balance. This volume examines various ways in which the WTO might be reformed or improved and the chances of success in the Doha Round thus enhanced.

The WTO has an important role to play in managing globalisation so that its benefits are shared far more equally among individuals than is today the case. This challenge must be met if we are not to slide backwards into a less interdependent, and far poorer, world.

It will quickly be observed that this book represents an approach to world trade theory that will not be welcome in all circles. Yet few will deny its enormous value as a 'reality check'. No concerned policy maker, official or academic can afford to ignore it.

International Trade
The Changing Face of World Trade and the Biggest Issue Facing the WTO, and the World, Today; R. P. Buckley.
2. Living Up to the Promises of Global Trade; C. Sampford, T. Chataway, R. Lui, M. Palmer.
3. The Multilateral Trading System at Risk? Three Challenges to the World Trade Organisation; A. Capling.
4. The Post-Doha Trade Agenda: Questions About Constituents, Competence and Coherence; J. L. Dunoff.
5. International Civil Servants and Multilateral Trade Negotiations; Xu Yi-chong, P. Weller.
6. The Implementation Phase of Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization: An Imperfect System Needing Reform to Maintain its Effectiveness and Credibility; B. Mercurio.
7. It¿s Not Easy Being Green¿Trade and Environment Linkages Beyond Doha; J. McDonald.
8. Dreaming of Red Mansions: Rights, China and the WTO; A. Francis.
9. Towards Post-establishment National Treatment of Foreign Investment Enterprises in China¿From BITs to TRIMs; Chen Xuebin.
10. Cultural and Political Contexts for the Future of World Trade; R. Dellios.
11. Lessons for the WTO from the Bilateral Free Trade Agreements of EFTA; A. Ziegler.
12. The Twin Security Challenges of AIDS and Terrorism: Implications for Flows of Trade, Capital, People and Knowledge; B. Condon.

Series: Global Trade & Finance

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