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Intellectual Property Law in Taiwan

ISBN13: 9789041199201
ISBN: 9041199209
Published: August 2003
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £248.00

Despatched in 11 to 13 days.

The development of intellectual property rights in Asia has been nothing but dramatic in the last couple of years. Spurred by the TRIPs Agreement, since 1995 most Asian countries have completely overhauled their intellectual property systems, or are still in the course of doing so: Japan and Korea had to comply with the TRIPs requirements by the beginning of 1996, while most of the Southeast Asian nations had to do so by 2000. Even the initial non-members Vietnam, China and Taiwan, have gone a long way to revise their intellectual property laws and enforcement mechanisms.

Taiwan has made significant efforts in the last five years to overhaul its IP system according to international standards and since January 2002 has been a member to WTO/TRIPS. After frequent revisions of the IP laws in the 1990s in order to gear up for WTO accession, the legal system has now reached a certain level of consolidation that makes publication both timely and advisable. The more so, as there is no comprehensive book on the Taiwanese IP system published in English.

This volume is written by leading Taiwanese academics and practitioners in the IP field and has been edited by the Max Planck Institute. All areas of IP are covered in around 200 pages and the appendix contains the relevant statutory provisions. Importance is attached to the practice of the courts and IP offices and to matters related to enforcement. An introductory chapter puts the IP system in the context of Taiwanese law in general.