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Regulation of Information Technology in the European Union

ISBN13: 9789041198235
ISBN: 9041198237
Published: November 2000
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £113.00

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Information technology is continuing to transform global communications and the world economy with innovative products and services. In this dynamic environment, events tend to be market-driven and it may be difficult for the regulators to keep up. At the same time, there is a need for public authorities to promote effective competition within a clear, coherent, and predictable framework. This reference work summarizes the major rules and policies for information technology at European level. It describes the institutional framework and general policies for the ""information society"", examines the detailed rules for external trade, competition and intellectual property, and discusses the Internet and electronic commerce. It provides an excellent overview of the subject as well as a good starting point for additional research on particular issues. This work should be of interest to practising lawyers, corporate counsel, business executives, consultants, academics, and government or trade association officials.

EU Law, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
1. Introduction.
2. Institutional Framework.
3. Information Society.
4. External Trade Relations.
5. Competition Policy.
6. Intellectual Property.
7. Internet and Electronic Commerce.