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Tax Law Design and Drafting

Edited by: Victor Thuronyi

ISBN13: 9789041197849
ISBN: 9041197842
Published: June 2000
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £529.00

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This book examines the development of tax legislation from a comparative law perspective, an area in which very little of a general nature has previously been written. Based on the experience of the IMF Legal Department in assisting many developing and transition countries to draft tax legislation, it comprises contributions by tax experts from around the world.

This useful guide aims to identify the legal issues that arise in the drafting of tax laws and to examine the various solutions which have been devised in national legislation. A comparative tax law bibliography and a bibliography of the national tax laws of IMF member countries are included in appendix.

Its practical nature and the general scope of its discussion will make it a valuable tool not only for officials in developing and transition countries and their advisors, but also for students, academics and practitioners with an interest in comparative tax law.

A two-volume paperback edition of this work was published by the IMF in 1996 and 1998.
