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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Introduction to Air Law 11th ed isbn 9789403546834

Introduction to Air Law 10th ed

ISBN13: 9789041191366
New Edition ISBN: 9789403546834
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041137296
Published: August 2017
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

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Introduction to Air Law provides a comprehensive overview of the major components of this specialised field of international law. The world of aviation has moved on rapidly since the appearance of the ninth edition of this pre-eminent resource five years ago.

Those developments pertain to market access and market behaviour by air carriers, including competition, new perceptions of safety and security, among others in relation to transparency of accident investigation and cybersecurity, case law in the area of airline liability, with new cases from the United States, product liability and insurance, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere, the growing importance of environmental concerns, the rights and obligations of passengers, also in the context of ‘unruly’ passengers, and innovative methods for financing aircraft.

Special attention has been paid in this edition to regional integration movements, especially in Europe, affecting the mentioned subjects. The book’s extensive references to other sources in the field have been expanded and updated by the author and experts in specialised areas.

What’s in this book:-

The present edition addresses the following topics:-

  • the regulatory framework governing the operation of air services, including the principle of sovereignty in national airspace;
  • the distinction between State and civil aircraft;
  • dispute settlement in international civil aviation;
  • economic regulation of international air transport services, including the establishment of air services agreements;
  • inter-airline cooperation in the context of competition law regimes;
  • liability of the various service providers, in particular airlines and related insurance coverage;
  • the promotion of safety standards;
  • criminal acts affecting the safety of aviation;
  • the role of international and regional organisations with particular reference to that of the European Union;
  • liability of the aircraft manufacturer for equipment; and
  • financial and security interests in mobile equipment.
How this will help you:

The many practitioners, officials, business people, and academics with a professional interest in aviation law will appreciate this new edition as one of the fundamental works in the field, and newcomers will discover this as an incomparable resource.

This tenth edition enriches knowledge on air law, encourages the reader to further explore the fascinating and dynamic field of international law, and is ready to be of unmatched service to any practising member of the air law community anywhere in the world.

Shipping, Transport and Maritime Law, Air and Space Law
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Chapter 1 The Regime of International Civil Aviation
Chapter 2 Operation of Air Services under International Law
Chapter 3 Operation of Air Services under EU Law
Chapter 4 Contractual Air Carrier Liability under International Law
Chapter 5 Passenger Protection: With Special Reference to the EU
Chapter 6 Global Safety Regulation
Chapter 7 Regional Safety Organisations
Chapter 8 Product Liability
Chapter 9 Surface Damage and Collisions
Chapter 10 Insurance
Chapter 11 Rights in Aircraft
Chapter 12 Criminal Air Law