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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Guide to EU and UK Pharmaceutical Regulatory Law 2023 8th ed isbn 9789403530253

Guide To EU Pharmaceutical Regulatory Law 2017 7th ed

Edited by: Sally Shorthose

ISBN13: 9789041169525
New Edition ISBN: 9789403530253
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041166388
Published: March 2017
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This new, 7th edition, Guide to EU Pharmaceutical Regulatory Law, which is updated annually to reflect the speed at which the rules and regulations change, provides a comprehensive and practical guide to, and analysis of, the current European Union (EU) Pharmaceutical Regulatory Regime.

In the EU and its Member States, as elsewhere, the marketing of pharmaceuticals has become subject to an increasingly complex web of legislation and regulation, resulting from the intense scrutiny necessary to ensure that such essential products are not only efficacious but also safe. This useful volume lays out this system with extraordinary clarity and logic.

Adopting a Europe-wide perspective on the law governing pharmaceuticals, expert authors from the law firm Bird & Bird LLP map the life cycle of a medicinal product or medical device from development to product launch and ongoing pharmacovigilance, offering comprehensive and unambiguous guidance at every stage.

What’s in this book:

Following an introductory overview focusing on the regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals in Europe – from its underlying rationales to the relevant committees and agencies – each of the fifteen incisive chapters examines a particular process or subject. Among the many topics and issues covered are the following:-

  • obtaining a marketing authorisation;
  • stages and standards for creating a product dossier;
  • clinical trials;
  • how and when an abridged procedure can be used;
  • criteria for conditional marketing authorisations;
  • generic products and ‘essential similarity’;
  • paediatric use and the requisite additional trials;
  • biologicals and ‘biosimilars’;
  • homeopathic and herbal medicines;
  • reporting procedures;
  • pharmacovigilance;
  • parallel trade;
  • relevant competition law and IP rights; and
  • advertising.
In addition, national variation charts in many of the chapters illustrate how the regime operates in the eight major jurisdictions (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the UK). Sample forms and URLs for the most important Directives are also included. A brief overview of how the proposed exit from the EU by the UK will affect the regulatory regime is also included.

How this will help you:

Starting with an overview, this book primarily deals with how pharmaceutical products are brought to market from the conduct of clinical trials through amendments to marketing authorisations and abridged (generic) applications – the routes to obtaining a marketing authorisation covering special regimes such as the paediatric system and conditional marketing authorisations. Thus, this book serves as a guide for pharmaceutical lawyers and regulatory advisers, both in-house and in private practice, who need to understand the process of bringing a medicinal product or medical device to market and the continuing rights and obligations. In addition, this book also provides guidance on how ancillary subjects such as IP law, competition law, parallel imports and the regulation of homeopathic products influence pharmaceutical regime.

EU Law, Medical Law and Bioethics
About the Editor and Authors
List of Abbreviations
CHAPTER 1 Overview of European Pharmaceutical Regulatory Requirements
Sally Shorthose
CHAPTER 2 Overview of Intellectual Property Rights
Sally Shorthose & Tasmina Goraya
CHAPTER 3 Clinical Trials
Sally Shorthose
CHAPTER 4 Obtaining a Marketing Authorisation
Sally Shorthose & Sarah Faircliffe
CHAPTER 5 Conditional Marketing Authorisations
Sally Shorthose
CHAPTER 6 Supplementary Protection Certificates
Tasmina Goraya
CHAPTER 7 Paediatrics
Sally Shorthose & Sarah Faircliffe
CHAPTER 8 Advertising Medicinal Products for Human Use
Anne-Charlotte Le Bihan, Jean-Baptiste Thiénot, Sally Shorthose, Sarah Faircliffe, Marc Martens, Nicolas Carbonnelle, Uf Grundmann, Hanneke Later-Nijland, Mauro Turrini, Gabriel Lidman & Raquel Ballesteros
CHAPTER 9 Pharmacovigilance
Sally Shorthose
CHAPTER 10 Variations to Marketing Authorisations
Tasmina Goraya
CHAPTER 11 Combination Products
Sarah Faircliffe
CHAPTER 12 Abridged Procedure
Hanneke Later-Nijland
CHAPTER 13 Orphan Drugs
Sarah Faircliffe
CHAPTER 14 Biopharmaceuticals
Marc Martens & Nicolas Carbonnelle
CHAPTER 15 Homeopathic, Herbal, and Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products
Hanneke Later-Nijland
CHAPTER 16 Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
Marc Martens & Nicolas Carbonnelle
CHAPTER 17 Vaccines
Raquel Ballesteros
CHAPTER 18 Medical Devices
Uf Grundmann, Alexander Csaki, Elisabeth Kohoutek, Clarissa Junge-Gierse & David Janiszewski
CHAPTER 19 Parallel Trade
Hanneke Later-Nijland
CHAPTER 20 Competition Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector
José Rivas & Silvia Pronk
Appendix Guidelines and Publications
Summary of Contents