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Patents in Germany and Europe: Procurement, Enforcement and Defense: An International Handbook 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9789041159861
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041131645
Published: June 2017
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £182.00

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Patents in Germany and Europe in its second, fully updated edition provides international lawyers with a practical understanding of Germany’s patent system, including the many legal changes that have occurred since the book’s original publication in 2011.

It also addresses the implications of the upcoming Unified Patent Court. Germany’s patent system presents unique opportunities for patent holders, as well as risks for companies doing business there. Germany is one of the world’s top jurisdictions for patent enforcement because of the expertise of German courts, their unique procedures and the speed of these proceedings.

Winning a patent suit in Germany is tantamount to winning the European market, and it gives the patent owner substantial leverage over opponents to achieve a worldwide settlement. In addition, suits in Germany frequently resolve well ahead of the counterpart suits in the United States, at a fraction of the cost.

What’s in this book:-

This second edition provides an in-depth, step-by-step procedural analysis of aspects of current patent practice in Germany, including the following:-

  • Germany’s split system that bifurcates infringement from validity cases;
  • obtaining discovery;
  • claim construction;
  • budgeting;
  • implications of the upcoming new patent system, in particular the Unified Patent Court;
  • Germany’s labor law regarding employee inventions; and
  • customs actions.
The chapters track the structure of patent disputes, starting with the overall structure of the German judicial system, followed by topics such as patentability, patent procurement, oppositions, infringement trials and customs enforcement actions. This book concludes with an extensive selection of forms and legislative material.

How this will help you:-

This book contains a clear and easily accessible illustration of the subject matter and will provide readers with sufficient information to intelligently handle their legal matters. Understanding the opportunities available in Germany provides companies with a broader toolkit for enforcing their intellectual property rights and defending against challenges brought by others.

Practicing patent lawyers will not find a more complete, informed and practical guide than this book, which explains the framework for patent procurement, enforcement and defense in Germany. Many will find surprising options that have no parallel in the United States.

European Jurisdictions, Germany
Chapter 1 - Where Starting Litigation? 
Chapter 2 - Sources of Law 
Chapter 3 - Structure of Legal System
Chapter 4 - Forms of Patent Protection: Background on Prosecution
Chapter 5 - Patentability Standards
Chapter 6 - Opposition Proceedings
Chapter 7 - Nullity Actions
Chapter 8 - Pre-Suit Considerations & Infringement Trial
Chapter 9 - Preliminary Injunction Proceedings
Chapter 10 - Claim Construction and Infringement
Chapter 11 - Discovery and Evidence Taking
Chapter 12 - Damages
Chapter 13 - Inventorship and Ownership
Chapter 14 - Customs Actions
Chapter 15 – Budgeting a Patent Enforcement Case
Chapter 16 - Samples
Chapter 17 - Legal Texts