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International Business Acquisitions: Major Legal Issues and Due Diligence 4th ed

Edited by: Michael Whalley, Ralf Kurney

ISBN13: 9789041156600
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041124838
Published: October 2014
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £227.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

International Business Acquisitions has proven its great value, over the eighteen years since the first edition, as a clear guide to the major legal issues and to the all-important process of informed due diligence in each jurisdiction.

The Fourth Edition retains the book’s invaluable country-by-country presentation, with each country contribution in a common format to make comparison as straightforward as possible. And, as in previous editions, the subject of due diligence is treated in a separate chapter, with individual country annotations.

In addition to updating and substantial expansion of content, notable features of the Fourth Edition include the following:-

  • new contributions from Chile, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Poland, Russia, Thailand and Turkey, making a total of 40 jurisdictions;
  • the continuing impact of European Union regulations and directives on corporate transactions and the increasing impact of bilateral trade and investment treaties;
  • a new emphasis in due diligence enquiries on privacy, anti-money-laundering and bribery (corrupt practices) compliance and the ownership and use of domain names and social media links; and
  • the continuing increase in the sophistication and even harmonisation of competition (antitrust) laws.
International Business Acquisitions is the result of a co-operative effort by member firms of the World Law Group, an alliance of 50 + leading independent firms with more than 15,000 lawyers working in 65 countries and in more than 300 international business centres.

As an easily-accessed desk reference for lawyers, business executives and others concerned with the acquisition of the securities or business assets of a company located outside their own national jurisdiction, International Business Acquisitions, Fourth Edition, has no peers.

It is also directly relevant to those representing the sellers in such transactions, as they must anticipate and prepare for the foreign buyer’s requirements and concerns.

Commercial Law, Mergers and Acquisitions
Editors' Preface to the First Edition
Editors' Preface to the Fourth Edition
List of Contributors
Part 1 International Acquisitions
Part 2 Major Legal Issues
1. Argentina
2. Australia
3. Austria
4. Belgium
5. Brazil
6. Canada
7. China
8. Denmark
9. England and Wales
10. Finland
11. France
12. Germany
13. Hong Kong
14. India
15. Ireland
16. Israel
17. Italy
18. Japan
19. South Korea
20. Luxembourg
21. Malaysia
22. Mexico
23. The Netherlands
24. Norway
25. Peru
26. The Philippines
27. Portugal
28. Scotland
29. Singapore
30. South Africa
31. Spain
32. Sweden
33. Switzerland
34. Taiwan
35. United States of America
36. European Union-Societas Europaea
37. European Union-EU Merger Control
Part 3 Due Diligence Due Diligence Checklist
1. Incorporation and Constitution
2. Share Capital
3. Administration
4. Restrictions on Sale of Assets or Transfer of Shares
5. Restrictions under Public Law
6. Other Restrictions on Transfer
7. International Aspects
8. The Business
9. Intellectual Property
10. Environmental/Safety
11. Real Property
12. Other Assets
13. Insurance
14. Finances and Taxation
15. Personnel, Labour
16. Pensions and Superannuation
17. Litigation and Other Risks
18. Government/Regulatory
19. Other Matters End Notes