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International Securities Law Handbook 4th ed

Edited by: Marcus Best, Jean-Luc Soulier

ISBN13: 9789041154422
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041132345
Published: November 2014
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £281.00

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The global integration of financial markets has long been impeded by a lack of regulatory harmonisation. Although some steps have been taken to develop international standards for financial markets, a clear understanding of the different approaches taken in key jurisdictions remains essential for companies offering securities internationally.

Numerous changes in securities laws and regulations necessitate periodic new editions of this unique and much-relied-upon source of information for global investors. In this fourth edition, the goal is again to provide a comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date guide to the challenges encountered in the issue and offering of cross-border securities in the most significant financial markets.

Since its first edition, the International Securities Law Handbook has answered the need for a user-friendly resource covering the most significant jurisdictions. Now fully updated, this invaluable reference presents the key elements of securities law and regulations in 39 jurisdictions. Country chapters, each written by a local expert, are presented in a consistent format, covering the topics most relevant to overseas investors and their advisers, so that information on specific issues can be easily found and compared from country to country.

Among many others, topics include: ;

  • descriptions of the securities markets;
  • the listing/market and regulatory authorities;
  • principal laws regulating the securities markets;
  • civil and criminal liability for securities law breaches;
  • prospectus/disclosure requirements;
  • quasi-securities and derivatives;
  • exemptions available; and
  • special cases such as employee share schemes, rights issues, and takeovers.
The International Securities Law Handbook is a collaborative work by member firms of the World Law Group, an alliance of 52 leading independent firms with more than 15,500 lawyers working in 65 countries and in more than 300 international business centres.

Legal practitioners, in-house counsel, investment bankers and others involved in the issue or sale of securities in foreign jurisdictions will find here an overview of the legal framework in which key markets operate, along with a clear working knowledge of the legal environment in the jurisdictions covered. The Handbook is also a convenient reference for business executives responsible for multinational or cross-border transactions.

Banking and Finance
List of Editors.
List of Contributors.
Editors’ Preface.
Securities Law in Argentina Hernán Verly.
Securities Law in Australia Marcus Best & Paul Washington.
Securities Law in Austria Martin Zuffer.
Securities Law in Belgium Cedric Guyot & Catherine Willemyns.
Securities Law in Brazil Antonio Felix de Araujo Cintra & Paulo Leme.
Securities Law in Canada – Quebec Neil Kravitz.
Securities Law in Canada Stephen Halperin, Neil Sheehy & Kirk Rauliuk .
Securities Law in Chile Sebastián García.
Securities Law in China Mingyuan Zhang & Rebecca Chao.
Securities Law in Colombia Hernando Padilla Gómez & Isabel Cristina Torres Argáez.
Securities Law in Denmark Steen Jensen & Trine Damsgaard Vissing.
Securities Law in Finland Merja Kivelä & Janne Lauha.
Securities Law in France Jean-Luc Soulier & Chems Idrissi.
Securities Law in Germany Marc-Oliver Kurth & Dr. Oliver Rothley.
Securities Law in Greece Panos Koromantzos.
Securities Law in Hong Kong Sheldon Tse.
Securities Law in India Satwinder Singh, Kapil Manocha & Vivek Jha.
Securities Law in Ireland Justin McKenna & Breffni Sheridan.
Securities Law in Israel Janet Levy-Pahima.
Securities Law in Italy Francesco Gianni, Marco Zaccagnini & Elena Cirillo .
Securities Law in Japan Noriyuki Katayama & Gen Takizawa.
Securities Law in Korea Eui Jong Chung & Annie Eunah Lee.
Securities Law in Malaysia Swee-Kee Ng & Marhaini Nordin.
Securities Law in Mexico Alfonso Castro Díaz.
Securities Law in the Netherlands Reinout Slot & Marlene Veenman.
Securities Law in Norway Bjarne Rogdaberg & Lars Christian Steen.
Securities Law in the Philippines Rafael A. Morales.
Securities Law in Poland Dr. Andrzej W. Kawecki & Paweł Kawarski.
Securities Law in Russia Konstantin Baranov.
Securities Law in Scotland Andrew G. Williamson.
Securities Law in Singapore Jacqueline Loke & Sarah Chan.
Securities Law in Spain Pere Kirchner, Antonio Baena & José Luis Lucena Rebollo.
Securities Law in Sweden Anders Ackebo, Åke J. Fors, Anders Söderlind & Tobias Öd.
Securities Law in Switzerland Kaspar Landolt & Stephan Werlen.
Securities Law in Taiwan Chun-yih Cheng & Yo-Yi Chen.
Securities Law in Thailand Niwes Phancharoenworakul & Chantima Limpananda .
Securities Law in Turkey Piraye Kuranel Basol & Kerem Tayhac Sagocak .
Securities Law in the United Kingdom Andrew G. Williamson.
Securities Law in the United States of America Neil M. Goodman, Stephanie G. Nygard & Marian A. Saxena.