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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Brazilian Commercial Law: A Practical Guide 2nd ed isbn 9789041152664

Brazilian Commercial Law: A Practical Guide

Edited by: Silvia Fazio

ISBN13: 9789041141446
New Edition ISBN: 9789041152664
Published: January 2013
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This is the first book in English to provide a detailed guide to the ways into and around the Brazilian economy. Twenty-one leading Brazilian practitioners describe and interpret laws and regulations governing business set-up procedures, transactions, contracts, financing, taxation, securities, intellectual property, real estate, dispute resolution, environmental protection, and labour.

They explore every issue likely to be important to investors, including the following:

  • competition, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures;
  • contractual clauses, statutory requirements on specific agreements;
  • tax incentives available for infrastructure projects;
  • listing and offering requirements in capital and securities markets;
  • licensing, franchising, and other intellectual property agreements;
  • civil proceedings, arbitration, and the mechanisms of dispute resolution;
  • structure of the Brazilian judiciary system;
  • rules on conflicts of law and competence of jurisdiction;
  • real property acquisition and development;
  • environmental liabilities; and
  • forms of employment and employment contracts.
Taking the point of view of a commercial lawyer required to draft and negotiate commercial agreements governed by Brazilian law, each author contributes particular expertise to this incomparable resource for potential and actual investors in Brazil and their counsel.

Thoroughly up to date in its exploration and understanding of the legal transformations that are taking place in Brazil, this book will be invaluable to corporate lawyers, investors, academics, and policymakers interested in Brazil’s role in the global economy.

Other Jurisdictions , Latin America
Introduction - S. Fazio.
1. Setting Up a Business in Brazil - L.F. Amaral Halembeck, A.C. Cassins Galdino.
2. Joint Ventures, Mergers and Acquisitions - A.J. de Carvalho, A.J. Mattos Morello, R.J. Lopes Gaspar.
3. Commercial Contracts - N. Montgomery, E.C. Marques.
4. Financing and Repatriation - M. Santos, C. Ramos.
5. Taxation - A.C. Utumi.
6. Capital Markets and Securities in Brazil - J.M. Arakawa, M. Anselmo Schneider.
7. Intellectual Property - T. Campello Lopes, E. Lins Lima.
8. Dispute Resolution - G. Giusti, R. Dalmaso Marques.
9. Real Estate Investments - A. de Carvalho Caliento, M. Anselmo Schneider.
10. Environmental Legislation - R. Danelon Leonhardt.
11. Employment Legislation - N. Mannrich, A. Ribeiro.