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Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business Volume 34: 2012

ISBN13: 9789041138071
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789041133632
Published: February 2013
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £223.00

Despatched in 11 to 13 days.

The thirty-fourth volume of the Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business deals with specific issues ranging from arbitration, company law, and consumer protection to employment law and financial law, comprising 14 articles.

A further five articles examine legal aspects of doing business, establishing joint ventures, civil and commercial obligations, and intellectual property issues in particular jurisdictions. A final article considers international development banks.

Jurisdictions treated are Argentina, Austria, Brazil, China, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States.

Commercial Law
Dispute Resolution International Commercial Arbitration in Italy Roberto Ceccon.
Litigation without a Law of Evidence, Oral Testimony, Witnesses, and a Transparent Judiciary David C. Buxbaum.
New Zealand’s Personal Grievance System Jennifer Mills and Emma Warden.
Infrastructure and Resources Telecommunications Law in The Philippines Leland R. Villadolid,
Jr., Zorayda Ruth B. Andam-Faustino, and Maria Theresa A. Roldan.
India’s Nuclear Liability Regime Roy George.
Carbon Trading and Indonesia’s Legal Framework Gita Syahrani and Novita
Liangga Kumala.
Wind Project Risk Analysis: Central America Jonathan Neff.
Commercial and Corporate Law Changes in the Turkish Corporate Sector and the New Commercial Code Ozge Yurdal and Ece Mansurguler.
Commercial Law under Romania’s New Civil Code Alexandra Mura and Ligia Catuna.
Commercial Companies in Portugal Tomás Pessanha and Catarina Figueiredo Rodrigues.
Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions in Turkey Kemal Serdengeçti.
Piercing the Corporate Veil under Brazilian Law Felipe Toscano.
Miscellaneous Private International Law and Insolvency Proceedings in Spain Antoni Frigola Riera and Raúl Partido Figueroa.
Franchising Law in Canada Julian Hermida.
Judicial Discretion in Directing Patent Amendments André Meyer.
Protection of Consumers of Financial Services in Nigeria Joseph Nwobike.
New Reinsurance Regime in Argentina Maximiliano A. Batista and Lucila Guerrero.
Unfair Competition and Breach of Secrecy in Colombia Natalia Tobón and Ana María Calero.
Legal Profession Legal Outsourcing in France and the Freedom to Provide Services Leila Hamzaoui and Paul Clair.
Legal Process Outsourcing and Legal Ethics in the United States Keith Fisher.
Ethics of the Legal Profession in Brazil Adriana Camargo Rodrigues.
European Market Decentralization of the European Union Internal Market Janja Hojnik.
Implementing Article 3 of the Market Abuse Directive Peder Hammarskiöld and Magnus Bohman.