Following publication of the first volume in February 2009, this Volume II brings lessors, financiers, and operators valuable assistance in the management of aircraft during default periods and repossession proceedings in an additional 14 jurisdictions, bringing the total jurisdictions covered to 46.
The two-volume set is also of great value as a preventive guide on issues arising in aircraft finance or lease transactions, especially in the drafting of associated contracts. Defaults, workouts, and repossessions of aircraft are still on the rise globally, and the situations that can lead to, or arise after, an event of default remain literally endless.
Local aviation law experts from each jurisdiction provide in-depth responses, country by country, to an extremely detailed questionnaire that includes eighty ‘real-life’ questions covering such categories as the following:-
Loaded with precise, up-to-date information and expert practical guidance, this two-volume set will be of enormous value to aviation lawyers, inhouse counsel of aircraft owners and operators, receivers, export credit agencies, banks, lessors, lenders and investors with an interest in the aviation industry.
Volume I: Aircraft Repossession and Enforcement: Practical Aspects