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Fighting Corruption: International Corporate Integrity Handbook 3rd ed

Edited by: Fritz Heimann, Francois Vincke, ICC

ISBN13: 9789041131843
Published: January 2009
Publisher: ICC (Kluwer)
Country of Publication: France
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Corruption has a corrosive impact on international business. In the 3rd edition of the highly acclaimed volume, Fighting Corruption, excepts from the ICC offer solutions to combat the scourge of global trade and investment.

Completely Updated from the 2nd edition, Fighting Corruption includes new material covering the chngnig views on facilitation payments, the recent UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and valuable tips on how to prevent extortion.

Fighting Corruption lays out the problems and offers practical solutions on how to attack commercial dishonesty at its source. Covering subjects as diverse as money laundering, the role of agents, extortion accounting and whistleblowing, this invaluable book will be the tool of reference for managers, compliance officers, lawyers and anyone concerned with stamping out bribery, extortion and the other evils assciated with corruption.

Same books as ISBN:9789284200319