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International Bank and Other Guarantees Handbook: Middle East and Africa Volume

ISBN13: 9789041131331
Published: September 2011
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £223.00

Despatched in 10 to 12 days.

The International Bank and Other Guarantees Handbook provides a practical examination of the laws of 19 countries (and groups of countries) in the Middle East and Africa regions in respect to bank and other guarantees. It also contains, among other things, various guarantees forms. The aim of each country-specific chapter of the Handbook is to provide actionable information designed to guide legal or other practitioners in such jurisdiction.

The editors, Mr. Yann Aubin, Mr. Jean-Claude Vecchiatto and Mr. Louis de Longeaux, deal with guarantees in an international context on a daily basis in the course of their respective positions as in-house lawyers of Fortune 500 multinational companies and partner of a multinational law firm. Yann Aubin is the Director of Legal Operations [and Deputy General Counsel] at Schlumberger based in Paris. He is the co-editor of the Export Control Laws and Regulations Handbook. Jean-Claude Vecchiatto is Vice President, Head of Corporate & Project Finance, Legal Affairs at the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, EADS, based in France and Germany. Louis de Longeaux is a partner with Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe law firm based in China, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Taipei and USA.

The International Bank and Other Guarantees Handbook is invaluable to any international trade professional (lawyer, finance manager, project manager, etc.) or entity with a need to know the specific requirements to be complied within the jurisdiction in question for the efficient use of bank or other related guarantees.

International Trade, Other Jurisdictions , Banking and Finance, Middle East
List of Contributors.
Generic Outline.
Chapter 1 Introduction Yann Aubin, Louis de Longeaux & Jean-Claude Vecchiatto
Chapter 2 Algeria Samir Hamouda & Nabiha Zerigui
Chapter 3 Angola Alberto Galhardo Simões & Joana Brito Paulo
Chapter 4 Bahrain Saud Al-Ammari, Dan P.E. Fournier, Zein Semaan & Husam El-Khatib
Chapter 5 Cyprus Stella Kammitsi Chapter 6 Ghana Kojo Bentsi Enjil & Bentsi-Enchill
Chapter 7 Israel Opher Levenberg & Varda Lusthaus Chapter 8 Kenya Paras Shah
Chapter 9 Libya Bahloul M. Kelbash & Tarek M. Eltumi
Chapter 10 Mauritius Iqbal Rajahbalee & Jean-François Boisvenu
Chapter 11 Namibia Hanno Bossau
Chapter 12 Nigeria Dan Agbor & Onyinye Okafor
Chapter 13 OHADA Member States Barthélemy Mercadal, Mahutodji Jimmy Vital Kodo & Yawovi Agboyibo
Chapter 14 Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz Al-Abduljabbar, Mohamed Hamra-Krouha & Karim Wali
Chapter 15 South Africa Anne McAllister & Shahid Sulaiman
Chapter 16 Tunisia Maya Boureghda
Chapter 17 Republic of Turkey Arzu Basmaci & İrem Su
Chapter 18 United Arab Emirates Robin Abraham & Zara Asif
Chapter 19 United Republic of Tanzania Ngassa Dindi
Chapter 20 Uganda David Mpanga. Annex. Detailed Table of Contributors.