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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
International Construction Arbitration Law 2nd ed isbn 9789041149855

International Construction Arbitration Law

ISBN13: 9789041123411
ISBN: 9041123415
New Edition ISBN: 9789041149855
Published: October 2006
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Construction Arbitration by Jane Jenkins and Simon Stebbings is a practical guide to dispute resolution under construction contracts. The authors consider the full range of available dispute resolution methods, including mediation,conciliation and - increasingly common in international construction disputes -determination by dispute review board or expert panel, before focusing specifically on arbitration.

The book looks briefly at all aspects of arbitration, from commencement of proceedings, through preparation and collection of the evidence necessary in complex construction cases, to common procedural issues, the conduct of the hearing and the effect of the award. It also provides guidance on the effective administration of construction contracts and claims management, as well as partnering and alliancing techniques that may avoid the need for recourse to formal dispute resolution.

In keeping with its practical focus, the book includes checklists and executive summaries of keypoints, as well as extracts from relevant institutional rules and other supporting materials.

Construction Law