How to Hire and Fire in 76 Jurisdictions
ISBN13: 9789041123350
ISBN: 9041123350
Published: October 2005
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print
Employment law varies enormously across jurisdictions. In federal systems, it can even vary from state to state. In companies of any size staff in multiple jurisdictions, personnel officers and their lawyers are regularly confronted with a bewildering array of foreign rules and regulations whenever a hiring or firing decision must be made.
This immensely valuable, easy-to-use handbook makes sense of it all by providing the clear, uncomplicated basic information that management and lawyers need to proceed quickly to make confident decisions and avoid unnecessary risk. A team of experienced lawyers, each with expertise in his or her own jurisdiction, has been brought together by the Multinational Association of Independent Law Firms (Multilaw) across over 70 global jurisdictions, to provide a comprehensive overview of how labour and industrial law works worldwide. With access to over 5,000 lawyers worldwide, the network is ideally positioned to offer local know-how and qualified labour & employment expertise wherever and whenever needed.
Particular emphasis has been given to the following crucial areas:-
- sources of employment law;
- types of employment agreements;
- mandatory requirements relating to hours, earnings, holidays, age, disability, and pensions;
- outsourcing and subcontracting;
- social security contributions; discipline and grievance;
- harassment;
- discrimination;
- maternity and paternity provisions;
- termination procedures;
- severance payments;
- unemployment allowance payments;
- claims following termination.
The publication makes it easy to source further detailed knowledge and specific advice to confidently manage and understand the implications of each case. The authors represent member firms of Multilaw, one of the world's leading associations of independent law firms, with 63 member firms in 49 countries. Their awareness and experience of the relevant legal issues and procedures in their individual jurisdictions, combined with a fine eye for detail, makes this book truly unique. It is an essential tool for any company operating in several jurisdictions.