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EC Merger Decisions Digest Looseleaf

ISBN13: 9789041122728
Latest Release: January 02, 2018
Publisher: Kluwer Law International Subscriptions
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Looseleaf, 9 Volumes
Price: Out of print
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go

Out of print as of 1st September 2021.

With company mergers an ever-present feature of daily business life in Europe and the wider world, it is essential that practitioners' legal, corporate and financial become familiar not only with the regulatory law governing merger activity but also with the growing body of case law embodied in the decisions of the European Commission. EC Merger Decisions Digest is the resource that all business people and their advisers will use for this knowledge and information. There is no better tool for rapid and efficient analysis of prospective mergers.

Written by two outstanding practitioners specialising in EU competition law and EU regulatory matters, the Digest is a regularly updated looseleaf that provides not only every decision in concise summary/analysis format of the European Comission under the EC Merger Regulation, but a clear and easy-to-read presentation of the economic principles underlying the market definitions upheld by the Commission. It includes such useful features as the following:

  • standardised summaries of every decision of the European Commission under the EC Merger Regulation, grouped together in some 30 chapters according to the main economic sector concerned;
  • an easy-to-read, very brief and straightforward summary of the key procedural and substantive points of each decision;
  • an interest rating for each case from least interesting to most interesting;
  • an invaluable summary of product and geographic market definitions upheld and left open by the Commission by product sector;
  • a straightforward summary of the basic economic principles underlying how markets are defined; and
  • a user guide to obtain maximum and speediest benefit from the work.

The text is in English, even if the language of the original decision is not.

Practitioners and advisers from the diverse sectors of corporate and competition law, investment banking or private equity will quickly find information relating to the product and geographic market definitions upheld by the Commission, and readily understand the principles underlying the Commission's findings. Users will rapidly find the most important decisions in each sector, obtain the key facts, and identify the reasons underlying each decision. Each summary contains full reference citations to the original text of the decision.

With the Digest, practitioners and business people can be confident of uncovering every potential pitfall and considered every advantage possible in the circumstances of any deal, right up to the last minute of the process. With its regular updates, economic sector focus, and uncompromising practical orientation toward M&A practice, EC Merger Decisions Digest is the only product of its kind in any format. It would be hard to name an item in a European company law library that will get more use, day in and day out, for years to come.

Competition Law, EU Law, Looseleaf Work
How to Use this Guide
Index of Decisions
Jurisdictional Rules
Farming and Land Management
Financial Services
Food, Beverage and Tobacco
Hotels and Leisure
Industrial Goods
Intermediary Goods
IT and Telecoms Hardware/Software
Media and Printing
Minerals and Metals
Pharmaceutical Products
Professional and Health Services
Post and Telecoms
Retail Manufacturing
Textiles and Leather
Transport Manufacture
Transport Services
Waste Management
Wholesale and Retail Trade
Wood and Wood Products

Recent Subscription Releases:

Part Price
Supplement 52
January 02, 2018
Supplement 51
December 04, 2017
Supplement 50
November 02, 2017
Supplement 49
June 07, 2017
Supplement 48
April 04, 2017
Supplement 47
February 06, 2017
Supplement 46
December 23, 2016
Supplement 45
October 28, 2016
Supplement 44
June 03, 2016
Supplement 43
February 25, 2016
Supplement 42
December 30, 2015
Supplement 41
September 30, 2015
Supplement 40
May 27, 2015
Supplement 39
January 28, 2015
Supplement 37
August 01, 2013
Supplement 18
June 05, 2009
Supplement 17
April 24, 2009
Supplement 16
December 23, 2008
Supplement 15
August 22, 2008
Supplement 14
March 14, 2008
Supplement 13
December 07, 2007

Please contact our subscriptions team if any further information is required.