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European Labour Law and Social Policy: Volume 1, Cases and Materials - Social Dialogue, Industrial Relations and Labour Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9789041119148
ISBN: 9041119140
Published: August 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £268.00

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This is a comprehensive collection of primary source materials in the labour law and social policy of the European Community. With documents and decisions reflecting the state of play at 1st June 2002, it includes: key legislative instruments in EC labour law and social policy; significant associated policy documents produced by the Commission; and important relevant decisions of the European Court of Justice.;Since the first edition of this work in 1999, the pace of social policy change and innovation at the level of the European Community has increased dramatically. Recognition of the changes in emphasis and scale for European social policy, and the presence of substantially more material to be included, have caused this edition of the work to be divided into two volumes. Volume I covers social dialogue, industrial relations and labour law, while Volume II is concerned with a wide range of material touching ""dignity at work"" in the European Community. The arrangement of the material in two self-contained volumes also reflects a division of convenience. Thus, those whose main focus is upon the ""labour law"" aspects of European social policy may choose to utilize primarily the material contained in the first volume, while those who wish to concentrate more particularly upon fundamental social rights, equal opportunities, anti-discrimination, and dignity at work might wish to take advantage of the framework presented in the second volume. Advocates, judges, policy-makers, scholars and students should all appreciate this sourcebook in EC labour law and social policy.

EU Law
Labour and social policy - the treaties and agreements; fundamental social rights; equality of treatment; equal pay for men and women; promoting health and safety at work; promoting social inclusion. Annex - unadopted post-conciliation.