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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
EC Competition and Telecommunications Law 2nd ed isbn 9789041125644

EC Competition and Telecommunications Law

Christian KoenigCenter for European Integration Studies, University of Bonn, Germany, Andreas Bartosch, Jens-Daniel Braun

ISBN13: 9789041118141
ISBN: 9041118144
New Edition ISBN: 9789041125644
Published: July 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This text is a major analysis of the 2002 regulatory framework of EC telecommunications law. The far-reaching provisions of the new framework, adopted in February 2002, reveal a meticulously crafted balance between sector-specific regulation and general competition law - a balance that will channel the development of the law in this complex area for the foreseeable future. In 15 chapters, each contributed by one or more noted legal authorities in the field, this book covers the full range of EC telecommunications law across all major areas of both institutional and substantive law, both on the international and EC levels. Relevant EC media and communications law is also covered.;The authors thoroughly analyze the new EC common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services which entered into force in March 2002, as well as the old regulatory framework. In addition, relevant aspects of EC competition law are dealt with in detail.

Telecommunications Law
1. The International Regulatory Framework of EC Telecommunications Law: The Law of the WTO and the ITU as a Yardstick for EC Law; C. Koenig, J.-D. Braun.
2. The Emergence of EC Telecommunications Law as a Self-Standing Field within Community Law; J.-D. Braun, R. Capito.
3. Liberalisation; A. Bartosch.
4. Essential Facilities; A. Bartosch.
5. State Aid and Universal Service; A. Bartosch.
6. The Commission's Practice in Applying both the EC Merger Control Regulation and Regulation No.17 in the Markets for Audiovisual Media, Telecommunications, and Internet-Related Services; A. Bartosch.
7. The New Directive on a Common Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications Networks and Services; J.-D. Braun, R. Capito.
8. Framework for Networks Access and Interconnection; C. Koenig, S. Loetz.
9. Licensing; C. Koenig, A. Neumann, A. Koch.
10. Data Protection and Privacy; E. Roder-Messell, C. Koenig.
11. The European Regulatory Framework for the Administration of Scarce and Finite Resources; C. Koenig, A. Neumann.
12. The European Regulatory Framework for Standardisation in the Telecommunications Sector; A. Neumann.
13. Mobile Telephony; A. Bartosch.
14. Satellite Communications; C. Koenig, A. Neumann.
15. Cable TV Networks; A. Bartosch.