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Decisions of the World Court Relevant to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Reference Guide 2nd ed isbn 9789004184299

Decisions of the World Court Relevant to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

ISBN13: 9789041118066
ISBN: 9041118063
New Edition ISBN: 9789004184299
Published: April 2002
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This publication provides a reference guide to the contribution made by decisions of the World Court, as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations and the world's most senior court with the broadest material jurisdiction, to the development of the law of the sea as a part of the global system of peace and security. The guide is dedicated to the Court's former President Stephen M. Schwebel in appreciation of his belief that it is important for the Court to further explore its pre-eminently unique role throughout the third millennium.;Whereas the format of specific entries covered by this reference guide largely corresponds to the Parts and Annexes of the 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) and the 1994 Part XI Agreement, the heading of each entry also contains, as appropriate, references to other global instruments. The entries cover principally judgments and orders (including the related pleadings) of the PCIJ and the ICJ and those decisions of Arbitral Tribunals and other third-party fora as well as national courts which have been relied upon in the Court's jurisprudence. In addition, the decisions of the ITLOS and some other fora, as well as references to treaties are also listed under specific entries as appropriate.

Preface. Table of Cases. Table of Treaties. Table of Abbreviations. Global Framework Instruments. A Reference Guide. International Waters, Territorial Sea and Baselines. Access to, Jurisdiction and Treatment in Ports. Contiguous Zone. Inter-Oceanic Canals. Straits Used for International Navigation. Archipelagic State. Exclusive Economic (/Fishery) Zone. Continental Shelf. Equitable Maritime Boundary Delimitation. Charts and Geographical Coordinates Deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General. Regime of Islands. High Seas. Immunities of Warships. Fisheries. Submarine Cables and Pipelines. Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed Seas. Right of Access of Land-Locked States to and from the Sea and Freedom of Transit. Overflight. Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment. Use of Force in Enforcement at Sea. Marine Scientific Research and Technology Transfer. International Seabed Area. Settlement of Disputes. Good Faith and Abuse of Rights. Peaceful Uses of the Sea. Archaeological and Historical Objects. Equity. Privileges and Immunities of the LOSC Institutions and Their Relationship with the United Nations. Signature, Ratification and Accession. Reservations and Declarations. Amendment and Revision. Participation by International Organizations. Relation to Other Conventions.