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The Civil Code of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba

Edited by: Peter Haanappel, Ejan Mackaay, Hans Warendorf, Richard Thomas

ISBN13: 9789041117670
ISBN: 9041117679
Published: May 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £268.00
Paperback edition price on application, ISBN13 9789041117694

Despatched in 11 to 13 days.

This work consists of an English translation, alongside the Dutch text, of the new law of property, rights and interests and the law of obligations (Book 3), the law of real rights (Book 5), the general part of the law of obligations (Book 6) and the law of special contracts (Book 7) of the Netherlands Antilles Civil Code, which entered into force in the Netherlands Antilles on 1 January 2001 and in Aruba on 1 January 2002.

It also contains the transitional law enacted on introduction of this new legislation. It is published in Kluwer Law International's ""Series of Legislation in Translation"". For the non-Dutch speaking residents of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, practitioners advising on Netherlands Antilles law and persons or companies interested in the regulation of civil law this work should be useful.

European Jurisdictions
Book 3 - Patrimonial Law (Law of Property, Rights and Interests) in General; Title 1 - General Provisions; Title 5 Possession and Detention; Title 7 - Community; Title 8 - Usufruct; Title 9 - Rights of Pledge and Hypothec (Mortgage); Title 10 - The Right of Recourse against Property; Title 11 - Rights of Action; Transitional Law - Title 3 - Transitional Provisions in connection with Book 3; Book 5 - Real Rights; Title 1 - Ownership in General; Title 2 - Ownership of Moveable Things; Title 4 - Rights and Obligations of Owners of Neighbouring Properties; Title 5 - Co-Ownership; Title 6 - Servitudes (Easements); Title 7 - Emphyteusis (Leasehold); Title 8 - The Right of Superficies; Title 9 - Apartment Rights; Transitional Law - Title 3 - Transitional Provisions in connection with Book 5; Book 6 - General Part of the Law of Obligations; Title - Obligations in General; Title 2 - Transmission of Claims and Obligations and Renunciation of Claims Title 3 - Unlawful Acts (Torts); Title 4 - Obligations arising from Sources other than Unlawful Acts (Torts) or Contracts; Title 5 - Contracts in General Transitional Law; Title 3 - Transitional Provisions in connection with Book 6; Book 7 - Special (Specific) Contracts Title 1 - Sale and Exchange; Title 7 - Services; Title 7A - Travel Contract; Title 9 - Deposit; Title 14 - Suretyship; Title 15 - Contract of Settlement; Transitional Law - Title 3 - Transitional Provisions in connection with Book 7.