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From Negotiation to Antitrust Clearance

ISBN13: 9789041117632
ISBN: 9041117636
Published: April 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £243.00

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

This country-by-country guide to merger control law gives business people and their counsel helpful information needed to proceed confidently toward a successful transnational merger. For each of twenty major jurisdictions - including the USA, EU, China, India, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Vietnam and most EU countries - this book describes: procedure for antitrust clearance, if necessary; rules and criteria for approval; restrictions on merger dimensions; relevant market definition criteria; and ancillary restrictions.;Whenever possible, actual national notification forms are reproduced so they may be prepared in advance. The authors, each an expert in the business law of his or her own country, offer practical advice on managing the transaction and avoiding pitfalls. A detailed general introduction highlights shared patterns, as well as distinctions, among the merger control regimes of the various jurisdictions.

Introduction to AIJA. Officers of AIJA. A Word from AIJA's President. A Word from the Publications Committee. Foreword. List of Contributors. Biographies. Part One: Prologue; E. Sakkers. General Report; S. Cortes, N. Impelmann.
1. Introduction.
2. Substantive Law on Concentrations.
3. Dimension and Relevant Market.
4. Restrictions Ancillary to Concentrations.
5. Joint Ventures.
6. International Mergers/Transnational Application of Local Law.
7. Transaction Management.
8. Procedure.
9. Sanctions.
10. Conclusion.
11. Questionnaire for National Reports. Part Two: Argentina; A.G. Gorbato. Austria; R. Hoffer. Brazil; A.C. Mazzuco, G. Piereck. Czech Republic; R. Divisek. China; Wang Weizhong. Denmark; A.B. Gammeljord, H. Thouber, U.B. Hansen. European Union; R. Bosman. Finland; T. Manninen. France; J.-C. Rivalland. Germany; P. Martinius, N. Wordemann. Greece; C. Karagounis. India; A. Hirani, K. Javali. Ireland; D. O'Donnell. Italy; G. Di Tommaso, F.A. Regoli. Mexico; J. Jimenez, R. Valverde. Spain; S. Cortes, M. Mascaro. Switzerland; J. Bonvin, M. Staehelin. United Kingdom; J. Davey, C. Grayston. United States of America; R. Sheldon. Vietnam; J. Dick. Exhibits: 1. Notification Form CO for Concentrations in the EU.
2. Guidelines on Mergers Submissions in the UK, Office of Fair Trading.
3. Notification and Report Form for Certain Mergers and Acquisitions in the USA.
4. Notification Form for Concentrations in Spain. Index.

Series: AIJA Law Library S.

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