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New Asylum Countries?: Migration Control and Refugee Protection in an Enlarged European Union

Edited by: Rosemary Byrne, Gregor Noll, Jens Vedstead-Hansen

ISBN13: 9789041117533
ISBN: 9041117539
Published: July 2002
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £219.00

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How is access to asylum and other forms of extraterritorial protection regulated in the European Union? Is the EU in conformity with international law in this area? Which tools does international law offer to solve collisions between both? And, finally, is law capable of bridging the foundational oppositions embedded in migration and asylum issues?;This volume discusses the transformation of asylum in Europe in the context of the EU enlargement process. This transformation involves norms, as well as the procedures and resources for their implementation. In the candidate countries, as in the west, the process of transformation is marked by the tension between the interests of protection and migration control. Through their comprehensive analysis, the authors illuminate the legal and political dynamics which underlie this tension. Chapters trace the complex patterns of national, sub-regional and EU law and policy that are driving the future of asylum in an expanded Europe.;This allows for reflection on what the transformation process tells us about the current EU asylum acquis, and what it tells us about the prospects for refugee protection in the new frontier states and beyond. This book is the result of a three year study carried out by academics and practitioners from the candidate countries, current Member States, and international organizations. It explores the evolution of refugee policy and practice in a changing Europe.

List of Figures and Tables. Abbreviations. Introduction.
1. Western European Asylum Policies for Export: The Transfer of Protection and Deflection Formulas to Central Europe and the Baltics.
2. The Central Link: Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.
3. The Southern Link: Austria and Hungary.
4. The Northern Link.
5. Protection in a Spirit of Solidarity? 6. Title IV TEC and the Schengen Integration Protocol with Special Regard to Implications on Accession Candidates.
7. Recent Developments in Central Europe and the Baltic States in the Asylum Field: A View from UNHCR and the Strategies of the High Commissioner for Enhancing the Asylum Systems of the Region.
8. Future Perspectives: Accession and Asylum in an Expanded European Union.
9. Transformation of Asylum in Europe. Select Bibliography. List of Contributors. Index.