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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Free Movement Of Persons Within The European Community 2nd ed isbn 9789041125453

Free Movement of Persons Within the European Community

ISBN13: 9789041117083
ISBN: 9041117083
New Edition ISBN: 9789041125453
Published: January 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Arguably, the most important element in any system of economic integration is the freedom of movement of persons. In this, as in other initiatives, the European Community has taken the lead, and emerging economic unions and common markets elsewhere in the world take full cognizance of the EC's successes and failures as this fundamental right has developed under European law. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of this body of law, encompassing doctrinal basis, institutional framework, legal compliance, judicial development, and derogation on such grounds as security and health. The authors comment extensively on matters including visas, free movement of workers, freedom of establishment for companies, posted workers, harmonization of professional qualifications, European citizenship, freedom to provide and receive services, agreements between the European Community and other states concerning free movement, the rights of third country nationals (especially their position under the EURODAC regulation), and the rights of families and individuals to housing and education.;In addition to providing analysis of the relevant provisions of the European Community Treaty as amended by subsequent treaties including the Treaties of Amsterdam and Nice, the book takes considerable account of all relevant secondary legislation and sometimes soft law, for example draft treaties, resolutions, and draft legislation. The authors also consider what obstacles remain to this freedom, and what future developments might take place in this area of Community law.

Acknowledgments. Preface. Abbreviations. Tables.
1. Introduction.
2. Basic Legal Provisions Governing the Free Movement of Persons.
3. Free Movement of Workers and Related Matters.
4. Freedom of Establishment.
5. Freedom to Provide and Receive Services.
6. Remaining Categories of Persons Enjoying the Right of Residence.
7. Derogations on Grounds of Public Policy, Security and Health: Impact of Council Directive 64/221.
8. European Citizenship.
9. The Rights of Third Country Nationals in the EC Treaty Concerning the Temporary Protection of Displaced Persons.
10. International Agreements and Free Movement. Bibliography.