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Modernisation and Decentralisation of EC Competition Law

ISBN13: 9789041114426
ISBN: 9041114424
Published: November 2000
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

This text is the result of a conference held in London in September 1999, jointly organized by Hammond Suddards Solicitors and the Centre for the Law of the European Union of University College, London. This conference addressed the issues surrounding the European Commission's White Paper published in April 1999. In this respect, the conference presented distinguished speakers with an opportunity to air their views in public on this important development in the evolution of competition law in the European Union. The authors have tried to cover as much ground as possible, giving the view of authoritative contributors and competition authorities from most of the major European countries and from the European Commission. The contributors naturally focus on the Commission's White Paper and view their national situation in this light. There is detailed treatment of the situation in the UK and the entry into force of the UK Competition Act.

1. Modernisation and Decentralisation of EC Competition Law; G. Tesauro.
2. Decentralised Enforcement of Community Competition Law; J. Temple-Lang.
3. Practical Implications of Reform; N. Green. Text for the Antitrust Epidemic, Causes and prospects; B. Bishop.
5. The Appraisal of Vertical Agreements; P. McNutt. A UK Perspective on the Europeanisation of national Competition Law; M. Bloom. Official written Response of France to the White Paper; P. Chambu. The German View; M. Mueller. The United Kingdom Competition Act; C. Balmain. The Effects of the White Paper on the Dutch Competition Act; J. Haans. The Experience of National Authorities: SPAIN; E.P. Kessler.
12. United Kingdom Reaction to the White Paper; G. Winton.
13. Modernisation and Decentralisation; J. Swift.

Series: European Business Law & Practice

State Measures Distorting Free Competition in the EC ISBN 9789041114662
Published July 2002
Kluwer Law International
Customs and Trade Laws of the European Community ISBN 9789041196613
Published February 1999
Kluwer Law International
A Brief Guide to European State Aid Law ISBN 9789041109392
Published November 1997
Kluwer Law International