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International Economic Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9789041112194
ISBN: 9041112197
Published: September 1999
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £265.00

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This is the third revised edition of this text which was first published in 1989, and based on a General Course held by the author at The Hague Academy of International Law in 1986. It is designed to serve as a standard textbook on international economic law, suitable for reference and studies. This edition takes account of some of the new developments in international economic law, such as the ramifications of the Internet. The comprehensive analysis of all rules of public international law having direct influence on economic relations has been maintained and elaborated. Special attention is paid to the claims for a new international economic order, the extraterritorial reach of domestic legislation, the effects of nationalization, the protection of the environment, state immunity and economic welfare.

International Trade, Law and Economics
Preface. Biographical note. I. Introduction. II. The subjects of international economic law. III. Sovereignty in international economic law. IV. The sources of international economic law. V. The State in International Economic Law. VI. Bilateral inter-State economic relations. VII. General notions on the role of international organizations in international law. VIII. Some succinct remarks on specific organizations. IX. Joint inter-State enterprises. X. Individuals in international economic law. XI. Basic economic rights of States. XII. Human rights of economic value. XIII. Property rights of aliens. XIV. Problems of State responsibility in international economic law. XV. Dispute settlement in international economic law. XVI. Economic warfare. XVII. Conclusions. Notes. Selected bibliography. Alphabetical index of cases. Chronological index of Austrian and German cases. Keyword index.