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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Austrian Legal System 2nd ed isbn 9789041114808

The Austrian Legal System

ISBN13: 9789041110145
ISBN: 9041110143
New Edition ISBN: 9041114807
Published: August 1998
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This text presents a broad range of aspects of Austrian law and legal culture for the purpose of comparison with other legal systems. It treats the following subjects: political history, the constitution, sources and interpretation of law, the political system, Austria and the European Union, legal education and professions, the courts, administrative adjudication, constitutional review, fundamental rights, criminal procedure, the civil law tradition, and the Austrian civil code. These characteristic features have been selected in order to acquaint the foreign observer with some of the defining elements of Austrian law and legal development. Austrian students and practitioners, too, may find this approach helpful when it comes to explaining their law to others.

European Jurisdictions, Austria
Political history; the constitution, sources and interpretation of law; the political system; Austria and the European Union; legal education and legal professions; the courts; administrative adjudication; constitutional review; fundamental rights; criminal procedure; the civil law tradition; the Austrian civil code. Appendices: dates in modern Austrian political history; federal legislative and executive organs; the court system - civil procedure; the court system - criminal procedure; dates in Roman and European legal history; a note on legal research.