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Pollution from the Carriage of Oil by Sea

ISBN13: 9789041109200
ISBN: 904110920X
Published: August 1996
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This work analyzes the special legal regime for oil pollution liability and compensation with regard to shipowners and gargo owners. It describes the system put into place by international conventions and international voluntary agreements, with particular regard to the IOPC Fund compensation policy. There is an examination of how reponsibility is divided between shipowners and oil companies, and which claims forpollution damage are admissable within the framework of the conventions. The conventions are considered in the light of the unilateral approach adopted by the US, based on an extensive study of legislation and case law.

The legislative status prior to the advent of the international convetions; the advent of the international conventions and the voluntary agreements; the extrinsic obstacle to application of the international conventions - the existence of the US regime, as an example of a unilateral solution; the intrinsic difficulty in applying the international conventions - compensation for damage due to a pollution incident -who should be paid for?