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Compatibility of International and National Environmental Law

Jonas EbbessonUppsala University, Sweden

ISBN13: 9789041109194
ISBN: 9041109196
Published: July 1999
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £239.00

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Dealing with the linkage and compatibility of international and national environmental law, this work analyzes how and to what extent international environmental law, primarily through various types of treaty obligations, limits the discretion of states in their national implementation. The text goes on to examine a large number of international instruments with regard to their adequacy for guiding states towards common environmental objectives. Throughout, the author argues for a relaxation of the distinction between international and national environmental law, eg in the decision-making of domestic institutions. The suggestion is made that certain legal elements should be emphasized in the establishment of international regimes on sustainable development.

Part 1: law and international environmental management; linking international and national environmental law; normative structures and the discretion of states.
Part 2: international obligations defined by balancing norms; international obligations defined by fixed norms; international obligations defined by goal-oriented norms; international obligations relating to domestic procedures; international obligations on non-discrimination; some remarks on the legal approaches presented.
Part 3: integrating environmental treaties with domestic law; sustainable development - table of treaties and other international documents.