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A new edition has been abandoned before publication:
The Trade and Customs Law of the European Union 4ed Ed isbn 9789041128058

The Trade and Customs Law of the European Union 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9789041106889
ISBN: 904110688X
New Edition ISBN: 9041128050
Previous Edition ISBN: 9065444831
Published: April 1998
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £362.00

This is a Print On Demand Title.
The publisher will print a copy to fulfill your order. Books can take between 1 to 3 weeks. Looseleaf titles between 1 to 2 weeks.

This is a thoroughly revised and extended edition of ""The Customs Law of the European Economic Community"", including information on the developments of the internal market, the adoption of the Community Customs Code, the completion of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations which resulted in the World Trade Organization, and the transformation of the European Community and the European Union. The customs union of the original six member states proved to be a solid base for the evolution of the European integration process in both a political and economic sense. Taking into account the extension of the Community competences, the author extends the notion of customs law to include trade law, and, focusing attention on future developments, tentatively suggests that this should be regarded as the law of the European Union rather than merely of the European Community.

EU Law
1. The Customs Union, International Co-Operation and the EEC.
2. Harmonization Techniques and Their Application to Trade and Customs Law.
3. The Free Movement of Goods: Customs Duties and Charges with Equivalent Effect.
4. The Free Movement of Goods: Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions and Measures with Equivalent Effect.
5. The Free Movement of Goods: Elimination of Measures with Equivalent Effect Through Community Legislation.
6. Elimination of Fiscal Discrimination.
7. Penal Provisions: Sanctions and Enforcement.
8. The Community as a Unite of international Trade.
9. Customs Procedures on Importation and Exportation of Goods.
10. The Community Transit Procedure.