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The English Arbitration Act 1996: English, Francais, Deutcsh, Espanol

ISBN13: 9789041105851
ISBN: 9041105859
Published: July 1998
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £222.00

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

Involved with the development of the English Arbitration Act at various stages, the authors of this work have provided a publication of the Act with a detailed, non-English language commentary.

Enacted in June 1996, the 1996 English Arbitration Act only came into force on 31 January 1997. Unlike other materials published or prepared before the Act's effective date, this book is current to January 1998 and takes account of the significant, last-minute decision to remove the distinction between international and domestic arbitration in English law.

The authors present the material in English, French, German, and Spanish, with each version consistently arranged for easy access. Arbitration experts from the relevant countries prepared the translations under the guidance of experts in the field. The authors have conveniently set out the commentary in footnotes on a section-by-section basis.;Through this work the reader should gain an opportunity to study this important and complex legislation in his or her own language with expert guidance.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Arbitration Act 1996
La Loi sur l'Arbitrage de 1996
Schiedsgerichtsverfahren aufgrund eines Schiedesvertrages
La Ley de Arbitraje de 1996.