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Relations Between State and Higher Education

ISBN13: 9789041102454
ISBN: 9041102450
Published: June 1996
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £194.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

Higher education legislation is frequently changed by policy makers, who are acutely conscious that specific changes have repercussions through the law of general applicability, and eventually may alter and revise fundamental societal concepts. However, normative systems are complex, and the impact and direction of legal and social repercussions are neither always intended, nor are they easily foreseen. It is the purpose of this book to identify the chosen directions, and to contribute to the further development of issues in the higher education and research sector and to trace beginnings of new trends.

This volume is intended to appeal to the reader's personal, practical perspective to help generate the creativity and inspiration needed in order to maintain the equilibrium between consolidation and change.;In the Council of Europe, much thought has been given to these problems in recent years. The Higher Education and Research Committee (CC-HER), previously known as the Standing Conference of University Problems (CC-PU), has established a Legislation Reform Programme for Higher Education (LRP). The Programme is intended to give effective support to the process of legislative reform in higher education, particularly, but not exclusively, in the new member states in central and eastern Europe.

To promote dissemination of experience acquired throughout Europe and as a complement to its ongoing advisory and multilateral activities, the Programme's Steering Group has decided to publish a series entitled ""Legislating for Higher Education and Research in Europe"". The first volume of this series, Relations between State and Higher Education, is hereby presented to the general public.;""Relations between State and Higher Education"" has been compiled in close co-operation with states parties to the European Cultural Convention. It seeks, as will subsequent volumes, to identify core issues which countries may need to confront in their legislations, and offers examples of good practice.

1: Legislating for Higher Education and Research in Europe.
1.1.1. The Legislative Reform Programme for higher education and research.
1.1.2. The design of the LRP publication project.
1.2.1. Perspectives on legislating for higher education and research.
1.2.2. Bridges for enlightenment and freedom.
2: Relations Between the State and Higher Education.
2.1. Introduction.
2.2. Relations between the State and higher education.
2.3. Legislation as policy system.
2.4. Educational policy traditions in Europe.
2.5. Towards a heuristic scheme in order to deal with societal dynamics concerning legislation for higher education.
3: Guidelines to Comparison.
3.1. Introduction.
3.2. Organisational principles of change.
3.3. Institutional autonomy: the decline of a monopoly.
3.4. The private sector: an engine of subsidiarity? 3.5. Parity and quality assurance: situating the intermediaries.
3.6. Conclusion.
4: Conclusions.
4.1. Introduction.
4.2. Analytical framework.
4.3. Analysis.
4.4. Paradoxes and dilemmas.
4.5. Guidelines to the future.
5: Country Reports.
5.1. Albania.
5.2. Belarus.
5.3. The Flemish Community of Belgium.
5.4. The French Community of Belgium.
5.5. Bulgaria.
5.6. Czech Republic.
5.7. Denmark.
5.8. Republic of Estonia.
5.9. Finland.
5.10. France.
5.11. Germany.
5.12. Greece.
5.13. Hungary.
5.14. Latvia.
5.15. Liechtenstein.
5.16. Lithuania.
5.17. Malta.
5.18. Moldova.
5.19. The Netherlands.
5.20. Norway.
5.21. Poland.
5.22. Romania.
5.23. Slovakia.
5.24. Slovenia.
5.25. Spain.
5.26. Switzerland.
5.27. Turkey.
5.28. The United Kingdom.
5.29. Ukraine.