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Critical Legal Perspectives on Contemporary Slavery: On the Presence of the Past

Edited by: Adelle Blackett, Laura M. Dehaibi, Adedayo Odusanya, Edward Van Daalen

ISBN13: 9789004723818
To be Published: March 2025
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £155.00

This edited volume examines contemporary forms of slavery and the law through an historical and comparative lens. The volume consists of a general report and 15 national reports from a wide cross-section of jurisdictions that include Canada, Peru, the Netherlands, Barbados and Ghana. Each chapter provides in-depth engagement with slavery as a global institution in dialogue with slavery in its contemporary forms, including their causes and consequences. The reader will come to understand the continuities and points of disjuncture between slavery in the Black Atlantic slave trade, historical legacies in the persistence of racial capitalism, and rethink approaches to redress contemporary labour exploitation.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
IACL General Report: Contemporary Forms of Slavery Including Causes and Consequences
 Adelle Blackett and Laura Dehaibi
Anti-Slavery Law and Practice in Contemporary Australia
 Marilyn J Pittard and Anthony Hallal
A Critical Assessment of Contemporary Slavery in Select Commonwealth Caribbean Jurisdictions: Barbados and St Vincent and the Grenadines
 Jason Haynes
Les Formes Contemporaines D’esclavage, Y Compris Les Causes Et Les Conséquences : Belgique
 Filip Dorssemont
Les Formes Contemporaines D’esclavage, Y Compris Les Causes Et Les Conséquences : Canada
 Yves Goguen
Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Its Causes and Consequences: the Case of Croatia
 Sandra Laleta, Marissabell Škorić and Karla Kotulovski
France Et L’esclavage Contemporain : Un Phenomene Enchaine Aux Vicissitudes D’un Pays A L’« Histoire Servile » Pluriseculaire Et Mondiale
 Béatrice Boissard and Olivier Pluen
‘Othering’ Slavery: Germany´s invisible historical and legal involvement
 Heiner Fechner
Troubled Waters: Exploitative Child Labour in the Ghanaian Fisheries Industry
 Julia Selman Ayetey
Slavery in/and The Netherlands: Past, Present and Future Regulatory Initiatives Concerning Slavery and Forced Labour
 Bas Rombouts
Asservissement, Capitalisme Et Économie Minière Au Pérou
 Laura Dehaibi
Preventing and Combating Modern Forms of Slavery in Poland: Historical Background and Current Challenges
 Dagmara Skupień and Łukasz Pisarczyk
Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Including Causes and Consequences: Slovenia
 Darja Senčur Peček
Slavery in Swedish Law – Past and Present: Productive Judicial Framing, Silencing and Exceptionalization
 Niklas Selberg and Amin Parsa
Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Causes and Consequences: United Kingdom
 Shahrzad Fouladvand
Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Including Causes and Consequences: United States
 Lolita Buckner Inniss

Appendix 1: IACL Questionnaire: Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Including Causes and Consequences
 Adelle Blackett
