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Environmental Courts and Tribunals in Asia-Pacific: Best Practices, Challenges and the Way Forward

Edited by: Linda Yanti Sulistiawati, Sroyon Mukherjee

ISBN13: 9789004522329
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £185.00

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Environmental Courts and Tribunals in Asia-Pacific is an in-depth treatment of the features, best practices, challenges and future prospects for environmental courts and tribunals (ECTs) in the Asia-Pacific region. ECTs play an important role in improving environmental dispute resolution, access to environmental justice and environmental governance, but data and academic analysis on ECTs are very limited. This book fills that gap, with ten chapters authored by leading academics, judges and lawyers from multiple jurisdictions, including Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka, as well as pan-Asia-Pacific and global perspectives

Environmental Law, Other Jurisdictions , Asia
List of Figures and Tables
Consolidated Cases
Part 1 Bridging the Gap: Theories and Practice of ECTs in Asia-Pacific
1. The Role of Environmental Courts and Tribunals in Delivering Environmental Justice, The Honourable Justice Brian J Preston
Part 2 Challenges and Benefits of ECTs in Asia-Pacific: Case Studies
2. India’s National Green Tribunal: Quo Vadis?, Gitanjali Nain Gill
3. Environmental Courts and Tribunals in the Philippines: Opportunities and Challenges in Environmental Litigation, Grizelda Mayo Anda
4. The New Zealand Environment Court: Past, Present, and Future, Laurie Newhook, Ceri Warnock and Alan Webb
5. Japan’s Administrative Environmental Tribunals: 50 Years of the Pollution Dispute Resolution System, Jo Toriyabe
6. Greening the Bench in Indonesia: From Certification to Environmental Courts?, Agung Wardana
7. Unearthing Environmental Justice: Judicial Review and Pakistan’s Climate Crisis, Ayesha A. Malik
8. Specialized Environmental Courts in China, Yuhong Zhao
Part 3 Regional Perspectives on ECTs: Prospects and Challenges
9. South Asian Perspectives on Environmental Courts and Tribunals: Prospects and Challenges, Kokila Konasinghe
10. Asia-Pacific Regional Perspective on Environmental Courts and Tribunals: The Way Forward, Linda Yanti Sulistiawati