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Democracy and Sovereignty: Rethinking the Legitimacy of Public International Law

Edited by: Daniel Erasmus Khan, Evelyne Lagrange, Stefan Oeter, Christian Walter

ISBN13: 9789004508705
Published: November 2022
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Price on Application

At a time where multilateralism is coming under increasing pressure, a new reflection on the foundations of international law is warranted. Democracy and Sovereignty: Rethinking the Legitimacy of Public International Law addresses urgent new and intrinsically international subject areas, such as digitalization, climate change and transborder investments. This volume looks at the changing role of state sovereignty and explores more democratic modes of legitimation in order to supplement the traditional concept of state consent, and sharpen the notion of democracy itself.

Public International Law
Democracy - fundamental building-block of the international order? Opening remarks at the Joint Conference of the DGIR and SFDI, Tutzing, 25 Sept.
2020 / Stefan Oeter
Pro-democratic interventionism revisited / Christian Pippan
Democracy and the rule of law articulating the national and international judiciary with majoritarian will some thoughts based on a comparative approach of the Regional Human Rights Courts (RHRC) Case Law / Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen
On the importance of a sense of truth for a democratic legal culture and the international order / Lando Kirchmair
"La relation contrariée entre souveraineté et démocratie au prisme des approches critiques du droit international" / Edith Vanspranghe
Journalists in danger and the possibilities of international law / Stephanie Schiedermair
Freedom of association the shrinking space of civil society / Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack
Democracy promotion and development cooperation between business as usual and the end of the "end of history" / Emanuel Castellarin
Election observation and assistance their potential for democracy promotion with special focus on challenges in times of COVID-19 / Christina Binder
Democratic sanctions and international law / Ioannis Prezas
Council of Europe as the guardian of democracy the Venice Commission / Angelika Nussberger and Júlia Miklasová
Democracy through the lens of digital surveillance an assessment of the legitimacy of general principles of law / Daniel Ventura
Environmental security and wealth : a realist perspective on climate change / Markus P. Beham
(Re-)introducing finiteness to sovereignty a new way of shaping the law on climate change? / Kevin Grimmeiss
Le droit international des investissements exercice ou limitation de la souveraineté étatique ? / Shehrazade El-Hajjar
Remise en cause et volonté de réforme du droit international des investissements réflexions à
partir des Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) / Yannick Mihnzou Kouassi
Concluding remarks / Christian Tomuschat
Conclusions / Evelyne Lagrange