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The Law of the Sea in the Caribbean

ISBN13: 9789004503175
Published: January 2022
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £158.00

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A generation of legal pioneers imagined a decisive role for the law of the sea in the advancement of developing states. The jewel in the crown of that vision was the juridical recognition of significant wealth of the oceans as the common heritage of mankind. The Law of the Sea in the Caribbean gives an accounting of the reach of the law of the sea into Caribbean development. It argues for greater regional cooperation as a means of achieving the promise of the contribution of the sea towards the economic and social progression of Caribbean States.

Public International Law, Other Jurisdictions , Caribbean
List of Figures and Tables
1. Caribbean Antecedents to UNCLOS
2. UNCLOS in the Caribbean and Regional Cooperation
3. Maritime Jurisdiction
4. Fisheries
5. Offshore Oil and Gas
6. Marine Scientific Research
7. Peace and Security
8. Navigation
9. Pollution
10. The Area beyond National Jurisdiction
11. Delimitation
12. Dispute Settlement
