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Eradicating Human Trafficking: Culture, Law and Policy

ISBN13: 9789004473331
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £127.00

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With over 40 million people still enslaved around the world, this book takes a closer look at the role of culture in society and how certain practices, beliefs or behaviors may be fueling human trafficking beyond what the law can curtail. The study reveals cultural elements that conflict with existing anti-human trafficking laws across three case studies (United States, India and Costa Rica). There is no simple answer or a single solution to stop or significantly reduce the crime, but a pragmatic, multi-disciplinary, and human rights approach to the problem may bring to light that, efforts to curtail human trafficking will be in vain if we rely on law alone. A fundamental shift in culture is imperative.

International Criminal Law
1. Human Trafficking and Culture: A Fracture in the Justice System? - Delimitation of the Problem
2. Viewpoints, Interests and Claims from a Global Perspective  Conflicting Claims: Claimants, Perspectives, Identifications and their Bases of Power
3. Cultural Attitudes Amidst Human Trafficking Law & Policy - Identifying Past Trends in Authoritative and Controlling Decisions and their Conditioning Factors
4. Battle between Law and Culture Consent  Prediction of Future Decisions Based on the Changed and Changing Conditioning Factors
5. Toward a Culture Shift: Upholding Dignity and Human Rights  Appraisal, Alternatives and Recommendations