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Japanese Maritime Security and Law of the Sea

ISBN13: 9789004470064
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Price on Application

Japan, the geopolitical lynchpin in the East Asian region, has developed a unique maritime security policy and interpretation of the law of the sea. Japanese Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea is the first title to provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis on these themes in English, examines Japan’s domestic laws and its approach to international law. The topics covered include Japan’s claim over its maritime entitlement, policies on the use of force at sea, and the mandates of the Self-Defense Force and the Japan Coast Guard to use coercive measures in maritime zones and airspace, both in peacetime and in times of emergency.

Shipping, Transport and Maritime Law, Other Jurisdictions , Japan
Table of Authorities
Editorial Notes
Japanese Legal Materials
Chapter 1. Use of Weapons at Sea
Chapter 2. Use of Force at Sea
Chapter 3. Territorial Sea
Chapter 4. Straits
Chapter 5. Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf, and Islands
Chapter 6. Air Defense
Chapter 7. Protecting the Sea Lanes of Communication
Chapter 8. The Use of Civilian Assets for National Security Management