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Animals in International Law

ISBN13: 9789004466241
Published: June 2021
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £18.00

Despatched in 11 to 13 days.

The plight of animal individuals and species inflicted on them by human activity is a global problem with detrimental repercussions for all humans and for the entire planet. This book gives an overview of the most important international legal regimes that directly address and indirectly affect animals. It covers species conservation treaties, notably the international whaling regime, the farm animal protection rules of the EU, international trade law and the international law of armed conflict. It also analyses the potential for an international regime of animal rights. Finding that international law creates more harm than good for animals, the auther suggests progressive treaty interpretation, treaty making and animal interest representation to close the animal welfare gap in international law. A body of global animal law needs to be developed, accompanied by critical global animal studies.

Animal Law
Animals: A Topic for international law
An overview of international rules on animals
The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling: Dead or alive?
Farm animals in the law of the European Union
Animals in international trade law
Animals in the law of armed conflict
Towards international animal rights
Towards a global animal protection law