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Exclusion from Protection as Refugee: An Approach to a Harmonizing Interpretation in International Law

ISBN13: 9789004349704
Published: December 2017
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £151.00

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In Exclusion from Protection as Refugee, Yao Li analyses Article 1F of the 1951 Refugee Convention. She argues that the exclusion clause is a quasi-punitive provision and must therefore be interpreted with due regard to (International) Criminal Law.

Having developed an interpretation approach to consider external legal notions, Li provides a solution for all the relevant issues in the context of Article 1F, based on a “harmonizing interpretation”. The study therefore not only comprehensively examines the exclusion clause at the intersection of International Refugee Law and International Criminal Law, but also contributes to anti-fragmentation efforts in International Law.

International Criminal Law, Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
A The Undeserving Refugee
B Objective and Methodology
2. Exclusion at the Intersection of Different Legal Systems
A Introduction
B Implications of International Refugee Law
i Objectives of International Refugee Law
ii The Nature of Granting Asylum
iii Conclusion
C Exclusion
i Objectives of the Exclusion Clause
ii Consequences of Exclusion
iii Consequences of Non-exclusion
iv Conclusion
D Implications of International Criminal Law
i Interrelations with Exclusion in Refugee Law
ii Conclusion
E Implications of Human Rights Law
i Differences between Human Rights Law and Refugee Law
ii Relationship between Human Rights Law and Refugee Law
iii International Human Rights Law and Non-refoulement Obligations
iv Conclusion
F Intersections with Extradition Law
i Principles of Extradition Law
ii Hierarchy of Obligations
iii Intersections of Refugee Law and Extradition Law
iv Intersections of Article 1F CSR51 and Extradition Law
v Conclusion
G Conclusion: Complementarities of International Refugee Law, International Criminal Law, Human Rights Law, Extradition Law, and the Exclusion Clause
3. Harmonizing Interpretation in International Law
A Introduction
B The Objective: Including Principles with a Principled Method
C Interpretation According to Article 31(1) VCLT69
1 Ordinary Meaning
2 Context
3 Object and Purpose
4 Good Faith
D Interpretation beyond Article 31(1) VCLT69
i Subsequent Agreement and Subsequent Practice
ii Evolutionary/Dynamic Interpretation
iii Analogy
iv Fundamental Change Pursuant to Article 62 VCLT69
E Harmonizing Interpretation
i “Systemic Integration” Pursuant to Article 31(3)(c) VCLT69
ii Practical Concordance
iii Harmonizing Interpretation of Article 1F CSR51
F Conclusion
4. Exclusion in the Light of Harmonizing Interpretation
A Introduction
B General Matters in Article 1F CSR51
i Exclusion Assessment v. Criminal Trial
ii Proportionality
iii Inclusion before Exclusion
iv Procedural Matters
v Substantive Matters
vi Terrorism
C Article 1F(a) CSR51
i International Instruments
ii Crimes against Peace
iii War Crimes
iv Crimes against Humanity
v Genocide
D Article 1F(b) CSR51
i Crime
ii Serious
iii Non-political
iv Outside the Country of Refuge/Prior to His Admission
E Article 1F(c) CSR51
i Residual Character
ii “Guilty”
iii Acts Contrary to the Principles and Purposes of the United Nations
iv Offenders within Article 1F(c) CSR51
F Conclusion
5. Conclusion