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International Organizations and Member State Responsibility: Critical Perspectives

Edited by: Ana Barros Sofia, Cedric Ryngaert, Jan Wouters

ISBN13: 9789004319738
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £112.00

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International Organizations and Member State Responsibility: Critical Perspectives is the first international public law book entirely devoted to the topic of member state responsibility. Throughout its ten contributions, it takes stock of the legal developments brought about by the International Law Commission’s work on international responsibility, and critically unveils the major remaining conceptual gaps in the field. The novel approaches offered in the book serve as a repository of the various understandings within academia and legal practice that reflect the evolution of the contemporary law of international (member state) responsibility.

Contributors: Ana Sofia Barros, Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Catherine Brölmann, Esa Paasivirta, Francesco Messineo, Ige Dekker, Jean d’Aspremont, Niels Blokker, Paolo Palchetti, Ramses Wessel, Tom Dannenbaum

Public International Law
Preface vii
Notes on Contributors viii
1. Member States, International Organizations and International Responsibility
Exploring a Legal Triangle
Ana Sofia Barros, Cedric Ryngaert and Jan Wouters
2. Identities of States in International Organizations
Ramses A. Wessel and Ige F. Dekker
3. Member State Responsibility for Wrongdoings of International Organizations
Beacon of Hope or Delusion?
Niels Blokker
4. Member States and the International Legal (Dis)order
Accounting for the Notion of Responsible Governance
Ana Sofia Barros
5. Member States and International Legal Responsibility
Developments of the Institutional Veil
Catherine Brölmann
6. International Responsibility and the Constitution of Power
International Organizations Bolstered
Jean d’Aspremont
7. Dual Attribution in the Context of Military Operations
Tom Dannenbaum
8. Sharing Responsibility for un Targeted Sanctions
Antonios Tzanakopoulos
9. The Responsibility of Member States of International Organizations
A Special Case for the European Union?
Esa Paasivirta
10. Litigating Member State Responsibility
The Monetary Gold Principle and the Protection of Absent Organizations
Paolo Palchetti
11. The Invocation of Member State Responsibility before National and International Courts
Rekindling Old Utopias
Francesco Messineo
12. The Responsibility of Member States of International Organizations
Concluding Observations
Cedric Ryngaert