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Promoting Equity, Cooperation and Innovation in the Fields of Transboundary Waters and Natural Resources Management: The Legacy of Dr. David J.H. Phillips

Edited by: Stephen C. McCaffrey, John S. Murray, Melvin Woodhouse

ISBN13: 9789004314009
Published: March 2017
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £161.00

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Promoting Equity, Cooperation and Innovation in the Fields of Transboundary Waters and Natural Resources Management honours the memory and legacy of Dr. David J.H. Phillips, an extraordinary scientist, consultant and friend of the editors and contributors. He was a scientist of exceptional quality, dedicated to the practical study of aquatic environments, be they marine, freshwater or virtual. This volume contains excerpts from his meticulously researched work from a wide range of settings globally. Colleagues' essays provide insights to a man who lived life to the utmost, worked to the highest professional standards and had a unique gift in challenging situations to generate understanding and practical responses through his curiosity, remarkable ingenuity, and sheer hard work. His work opens many new paths of research and continues to inspire scientists and researchers in the fields of marine biology and pollution, fresh water issues, and conflict over transboundary water resources.

Environmental Law
Foreword J.A. (Tony) Allan
Introduction: A Full and Productive Life Stephen McCaffrey, John Murray, Melvin
Part I. Early Years: Building a Foundation in Theory and Practice
Introduction Bruce Richardson
The clock stopped too soon: A tribute to David J.H. Phillips (1952–2014)
Chapter 1. Early Work: Marine Biology and Pollution
Excerpt 1.1
Trace metals, organochlorines and hydrocarbons in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria: a historical review. Phillips, DJH, Richardson, BJ, Murray, AP and Fabris, JG 1992
Excerpt 1.2
Quantitative Aquatic Biological Indicators: Their Use to Monitor Trace Metal and Organochlorine Pollution. Phillips, DJH 1980
Essay 1.1: Rob Jordan
Context and Interaction with Dave Phillips 1978 to 1987
Excerpt 1.3
Metabolic pathways involving arsenic in marine organisms: A unifying hypothesis. Phillips, DJH and Depledge, MH 1985
Chapter 2. San Francisco Years: Developing the Dave Phillips Approach
Essay 2.1: Jay Davis
Dave Phillips in San Francisco
Excerpt 2.1
Toxic Contaminants in the San Francisco Bay-Delta and their Possible Biological Effects. Phillips, DJH 1987
Excerpt 2.2
Chesapeake and San Francisco Bays: A Study in Contrasts and Parallels Wright, DA and Phillips, DJH 1988
Part II. Mid-Career Efforts: Beginning to Expand the Focus
Introduction Stephen C. McCaffrey
Chapter 3. Moving from Public to Private Work: Looking for Broader Change
Essay 3.1: Yusaf Samiullah
“Change is constant, The Answer is YES, and Beer is Food!”
Excerpt 3.1
Nile Basin Consultancy: Benefit Sharing in Practice. Phillips, DJH, with annotations by Melvin Woodhouse 2006
Essay 3.2: Melvin Woodhouse
Developing EIA legislation in Mauritania
Part III. Law and Process in Transboundary Waters: Palestine, the Jordan River
Basin and Beyond
Introduction John Murray
Chapter 4. A Negotiations Context: Clarifying Palestine’s Water Rights
Essay 4.1: Andrew Kuhn
Unsurpassed ability, absolute commitment and completely politically incorrect
Excerpt 4.1
The Jordan River Basin: 1. Clarification of the Allocations in the Johnston Plan. Phillips, DJH, Attili, S, McCaffrey, S and Murray, JS 2007
Essay 4.2: Stephen C. McCaffrey
David Phillips and the Palestinian Case on Water
Excerpt 4.2
The Jordan River Basin: 2. Potential Future Allocations to the Co-riparians. Phillips, DJH, Attili, S, McCaffrey, S and Murray, JS 2007
Essay 4.3: Shaddad Attili
David Phillips contribution to the Palestinian water sector: Permanent status negotiations, water sector reform and the Gaza water strategic plan
Excerpt 4.3
The Jordan River basin: Potential initial routes to a cooperative process amongst the riparians. Phillips, DJH and Murray, JS 2013
Essay 4.4: Fuad Bateh
Reflections on Life with Dave Phillips
Chapter 5. Implementation Challenges: Uses and Benefits, Dominance and Inequality
Excerpt 5.1
Trans-boundary Water Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Prevention and for Broader Benefit-sharing. Phillips, DJH, Daoudy, M, Öjendal, J, Turton, A and McCaffrey, SC 2006
Essay 5.1: Elizabeth Kistin Keller
A critique by itself is not a contribution (and other lessons from Dave)
Excerpt 5.2
The Jordan River basin: 3. Options for satisfying the current and
future water demand of the five riparians. Phillips, DJH, Jägerskog, A and Turton, A 2009
Essay 5.2: Mark Zeitoun
Doing like Dave: Challenging conventional thought on transboundary waters
Excerpt 5.3
Power Asymmetry, Hegemony and Inequitable Water Allocations in the
Nile River Basin: Can Benefit Sharing Provide a Solution? Phillips, DJH 2009
Essay 5.3: Tony Turton
Comparative Diagnostics for Transboundary River Basins: Dave Phillips and Public Domain Data
Chapter 6. The Humanity Factor: Seeking Equity for Palestinians
Essay 6.1: Stephanie Koury
The Unique Dave: a Mentor, Friend, and Visionary
Excerpt 6.1
Gaza Emergency Technical Assistance Programme (GETAP) on Water Supply to the Gaza Strip. Phillips, DJH principal consultant 2011
Essay 6.2: Michael Talhami
Advancing Equity: A truly human aspiration
Essay 6.3: Natasha Carmi
“The art of the possible is in my view always of relevance”
Part IV. Strategic Management of Water: Investing in the Future
Introduction Melvin Woodhouse
Chapter 7. Identifying Linkages to Water: Environment, Mineral Extraction, Energy,
Food and More
Excerpt 7.1
Manual on Environmental Issues in Privatisation Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. Phillips, DJH, Consultant, Adam Smith International.
Essay 7.1: William Morrison and ASI Staff
Dr. David Phillips – Donors, Development and the ASI Years
Excerpt 7.2
Quantifying Virtual Water Flows in the 12 Continental Countries of SADC.
Chapter 3: CRIDF: Sovereign Security with a Cherry on Top Building Climate Resilience through Virtual Water and Nexus thinking in SADC – A think ‘peace.’ Phillips, DJH & Boyall, S 2006
Essay 7.2: Steve Boyall
One Year and Two Days
Chapter 8. The Big Picture: Operationalizing the Equitable and Reasonable Standard
for All Beneficial Uses
Essay 8.1: J.A. (Tony) Allan
Communicating major ideas: water, energy and food
Excerpt 8.1
The TWO Analysis – Introducing methodology for the transboundary waters opportunity analysis. Phillips, DJH, Allan, JA, Claassen, M, Granit, J, Jagerskog, A, Kistin, E, Patrick, M and Turton, A 2008
Essay 8.2: Anders Jagerskog
Combining Policy and Field Work in the pursuit of equitability and justice in water use
Excerpt 8.2
Background Paper on Transboundary Water, prepared for the Human Development Report, Stockholm, Sweden. Phillips, DJH & Jagerskog, A 2006
Excerpt 8.3
Writings on QWAF. Phillips, DJH, Allan, JA and Woodhouse, M, with narration by Woodhouse, M 2014
Conclusion: The Legacy
Stephen McCaffrey, John Murray, Melvin Woodhouse
Appendix A: Final Curriculum Vitae prepared by David Phillips
Appendix B: Selected Bibliography of David Phillips’ Work