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The CAHDI Contribution to the Development of Public International Law

Edited by: Council of Europe

ISBN13: 9789004308503
Published: July 2016
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £191.00

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In a political climate which encourages interdependence between States, international law is steadily developing and increasingly becoming a key factor in the organisation of inter-State relations. This concept of interdependence implies a strong commitment by all States to international law and a shared responsibility for its application. Through the ad hoc Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI), the Council of Europe contributes to the implementation of public international law and further acts as a catalyst for its development. Indeed, the CAHDI has established itself as an invaluable actor in the development of public international law, functioning notably as the European Observatory of Reservations and Declarations to International Treaties, a unique and flagship function acknowledged today by other regional organisations. The CAHDI also acts as a laboratory and a catalyst for new ideas. This volume, containing thought-provoking essays by former and current Legal Advisers from a wide selection of Council of Europe countries, arose from the conference celebrating the 50th anniversary of the CAHDI meetings and showcases CAHDI's pioneering work.

Public International Law
Opening Statement Thorbjorn Jagland
From the CJ-DI to the CAHDI: the Origins and First Activities of a Key Committee of the Council of Europe Helmut Turk
The CAHDI Model Plan for the Classification of Documents Concerning State Practice in the Field of Public International Law Lucius Caflisch
State Practice Regarding State Succession and Issues of Recognition Reinhard Hilger
Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State Practice Regarding State Immunities Peter Tomka
The Role of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Implementation of Public International Law Nicolas Michel
The CAHDI and the Implementation of the International Criminal Court Statute: Issues and Challenges, Past and Present Phani Dascalopoulou-Livada
The CAHDI and the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Michael Wood
The CAHDI as a Catalyst of Ideas for the Development of Public International Law Paul Rietjens
The Need for the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels Hans Corell
The CAHDI European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties: Law and Practice Relating to Reservations and Interpretative Declarations Concerning International Treaties Rolf Einar Fife
Some Thoughts on the Work and Contributions of the CAHDI – The Example of the Theme “The Judge and International Custom” Edwige Belliard
The CAHDI Contribution to the Review of Council of Europe Conventions Concepcion Escobar Hernandez
Setting Up International Rules in the Framework of the CAHDI: The Declaration on Jurisdictional Immunities of State Owned Cultural Property Paivi Kaukoranta
Closing Remarks Jorg Polakiewicz.

Discours d’ouverture Thorbjorn Jagland
Du CJ-DI au CAHDI : les origines et premières activités d’un comité clé du Conseil de l’Europe Helmut Turk
Plan modèle du CAHDI de classement des documents concernant la pratique des Etats en matière de droit international public Lucius Caflisch
La pratique des Etats concernant la succession d’Etats et les questions de reconnaissance Reinhard Hilger
Projet pilote du Conseil de l’Europe sur la pratique des Etats concernant les immunités des Etats Peter Tomka
Le rôle du Conseiller juridique du ministère des Affaires étrangères dans la mise en oeuvre du droit international public Nicolas Michel
Le CAHDI et la mise en oeuvre du Statut de la Cour pénale internationale : problèmes et enjeux passés et présents Phani Dascalopoulou-Livada
Le CAHDI et le règlement pacifique des différends Michael Wood
Le CAHDI comme catalyseur d’idées pour le développement du droit international public Paul Rietjens
La nécessité de l’Etat de droit aux niveaux national et international Hans Corell
L’Observatoire européen des réserves aux traités internationaux du CAHDI : le droit et la pratique relative aux reserves aux traités et déclarations interprétatives concernant les traités internationaux Rolf Einar Fife
Quelques réflexions sur les travaux et les apports du CAHDI – l’exemple du thème « Le juge et la coutume internationale » Edwige Belliard
La contribution du CAHDI au passage en revue des conventions du Conseil de l’Europe Concepcion Escobar Hernandez
L’élaboration de règles internationales dans le cadre du CAHDI : la Déclaration sur les immunités juridictionnelles des biens culturels appartenant à un Etat Paivi Kaukoranta
Allocution de clôture Jorg Polakiewicz.