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Responsibilities of the Non-State Actor in Armed Conflict and the Market Place: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings

Edited by: Noemi Gal-Or, Cedric Ryngaert, Math Noortmann

ISBN13: 9789004293465
Published: June 2015
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £161.00

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The central question of this pioneer work on the responsibility of non-state actors (NSAs) and the consequences thereof, is:-

  • To whom are such actors, in particular armed opposition groups and business corporations, accountable for their actions in armed conflict and in peace times?
  • Does responsibility in international law apply to these NSAs qua groups?
While much has been written about NSAs’ rights and participation in the global theatre as well as the responsibility of the state and international organisations for wrongful acts by NSAs, scant attention has been paid to questions of NSA organizational responsibility, in spite of their potential to wreak international havoc.

This volume offers innovative insights into this unexplored territory by analyzing responsibility questions from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.

Public International Law
A View from the Trenches
2. GEOFFREY HARRIS - The Rise of Non-State Actors: A Supranational Institutional Perspective

Part I: Conceptualizing the Responsibility of the NSA in International Law
3. BARBARA WOODWARD – Non-State Actor Responsibilities: Obligations, Monitoring & Compliance
4. WOUTER VANDENHOLE - Shared Responsibility of Non-State Actors: a Human Rights Perspective
5. JOANNA KYRIAKAKIS –Multinational Corporations, Legal Personality and International Crimes
6. JORDAN J. PAUST - Responsibilities of Armed Opposition Groups and Corporations for Violations of International Law and Possible Sanctions

Part II. International Responsibility of Corporations
7. ROBIN F. HANSEN - MNEs as Enterprises in International Law
8. ANNE VAN AAKEN - Markets as an Accountability Mechanism in International Law
9. PAULINE COLLINS - International Corporate Criminal Liability for Private Military and Security Companies - A Possibility?
10. DAI TAMADA - Investors’ Responsibility towards Host States? Regulation of Corruption in Investor-State Arbitration
11. MANUEL DE ALMEIDA Ribeiro - Responsibility of Private Entities in International Environmental Law: Transport of Oil by Sea and Nuclear Energy Production
17 and the Evolving Principles for Corporate Responsibility under International Law

Part III. International responsibility of Armed Opposition Groups
13. VERONIKA BÍLKOVÁ - Establishing Direct Responsibility of Armed Opposition Groups for Violations of International Humanitarian Law?
14. STEN VERHOEVEN - International Responsibility of Armed Opposition: GROUPS Lessons from State Responsibility for Actions of Armed Opposition Groups
15. ANNYSSA BELLAL - Establishing the Direct Responsibility of Non-State Armed Groups for Violations of International Norms: Issues of Attribution
16. LUKE MOFFETT Beyond Attribution: Responsibility of Armed Non-State Actors for Reparations in Northern Ireland, Colombia and Uganda
17. FRANCIS ABIEW & NOEMI GAL-OR - International Responsibility of the AOG in International Law: Is there a Case for an African Approach?
18. NOEMI GAL-OR, MATH NOORTMANN, & CEDRIC RYNGAERT – Can the AOG and MNC Be Liable in International Law?