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Unité et diversité du droit international/Unity and Diversity of International Law: Ecrits en l'honneur du Professeur Pierre-Marie Dupuy/Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy

Edited by: Denis Alland, Vincent Chetail, Olivier de Frouville, Jorge E. Viñuales

ISBN13: 9789004262386
Published: January 2014
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £304.00

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Unity and Diversity of International Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Pierre-Marie Dupuy gathers contributions from leading international lawyers from different countries, generations and substantive areas of specialization. The scope of the volume reflects the far-reaching and enduring contribution of Professor Dupuy, a luminary of public international law.

Les mélanges offerts au professeur Pierre-Marie Dupuy réunissent des contributions des publicistes les plus distingués des divers pays, générations et domaines de spécialisation. Ce volume témoigne de l'importance de l'oeuvre du professeur Dupuy, l'une des grandes figures du droit international public contemporain.