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Immunities in the Age of Global Constitutionalism

Edited by: Anne Peters, Evelyne Lagrange, Oeter Stefan, Christian Tomuschat

ISBN13: 9789004251625
Published: December 2014
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £176.00

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The law of immunity of states, of international organisations, and of public officials is one of the most important and most controversial topics of international law. The book consists of five parts: ‘State Immunity – National Practice’; State Immunity before the ICJ – The case Germany v Italy; ‘Commercial Activities and State Immunity’; ‘Immunity and Impunity’; and ‘Immunities of International Organisations’.

Although immunities are in principle firmly anchored in international law, their precise legal implications are often unclear. The book takes up a number of new trends and challenges in this field and assesses them within the framework of global constitutionalism and multilevel governance.

Contains chapters in both English and French.

Public International Law
List of Contributors
Preface Alain Pellet and Daniel Thürer
1 Immune against Constitutionalisation? Anne Peters

Part One: State Immunity – National Practice
2. L’immunité souveraine de l’État : la pratique française Pierre Boussaroque and David Lemétayer
3 Sovereign Immunities of States: a German Perspective Martin Ney
4 Current Polish Practice in the Domain of State Immunity Wladyslaw Czaplinski
5 The Holy See, a Former Somalian Prime Minister, and a Confiscated Pissarro Painting: Recent US Case Law on Foreign Sovereign Immunity Thomas Giegerich
6 La renonciation par un État à son immunité d’execution Mathias Audit

Part Two: State Immunity before the ICJ – the Case Germany v. Italy
7. The Case of Germany v. Italy before the ICJ Christian Tomuschat
8 Remedies of Victims of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanities: Some Critical Remarks on the ICJ’s Judgment on the Jurisdictional Immunity of States Michael Bothe
9 L’affaire Allemagne contre Italie ou les dilemmes du droit et de la justice Jerzy Kranz

Part Three: Commercial Activities and State Immunity
10 Blurring Boundaries between Sovereign Acts and Commercial Activities: A Functional View on Regulatory Immunity and Immunity from Execution
Anne van Aaken
11 Immunity and Sovereign Bonds Jürgen Bröhmer
12 Gel des fonds des banques centrales et immunité d’execution Jean-Marc Thouvenin

Part Four: Immunity and Impunity
13. Immunité et souveraineté dans l’arrêt de la Cour internationale de Justice dans l’affaire Immunités juridictionnelles de l’État Andrea Gattini
14 Serious Human Rights Violations as Potential Exceptions to Immunity: Conceptual Challenges Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack
15 Immunity of State Officials and the Obligation to Prosecute Pierre d’Argent
16 The Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the Immunity of States Theodor Schilling

Part Five: Immunities of International Organisations
17 Immunités, responsabilisation des organisations internationales et protection des droits individuels Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
18. Les immunités de l’Union européenne Isabelle Pingel
19 Immunités des organisations internationales : développements récents à la Banque des Règlements Internationaux Pierre Panchaud and Jean Abboud
20 Quelques réflexions sur les immunités des organisations internationales Rémi Cèbe;
Part Six: Conclusions
21 The Law of Immunities as a Focal Point of the Evolution of International Law Stefan Oeter.