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Legal Approaches to Cultural Diversity/Approches juridiques de la diversité culturelle

Edited by: Marie-Claire Foblets, Nadjma Yassari

ISBN13: 9789004250154
Published: August 2013
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £270.00

The central theme of the volume is cultural diversity, a vast subject that is highly relevant today. The particular focus here is on the many ways in which this diversity is managed within the framework of State law.

The twelve contributors to this book have a special interest in how cultural traditions and their various forms of expression are handled by the law. They were all participants in the 2009 Research Programme of the Centre for Studies and Research of the Hague Academy of International Law. The breadth of the subject is reflected in the wide spectrum of perspectives from which the topic has been explored. Starting in each case from the existing State and international legal frameworks, the contributors explore how the interactions between positive law and other normative orders can be placed at the service of a legal system that is as fair as possible within a plural context. Contributors were asked to choose from two alternative approaches: either they could look at cultural diversity issues in the field of private (international) law, a fairly traditional field that is especially relevant to the legal treatment of cultural diversity ; or they could situate cultural diversity within the wider and more theoretical area of “legal pluralism”, whether on a local or regional level or at the international (United Nations) level.

Excerpt of table of contents:
Avant-propos — Foreword
The Report of the Directors of Studies
Chapter 1: Cultural Diversity in the Legal Framework: Modes of Operation (Report of the Directors of Studies)
Chapter 2: La diversité culturelle à l’unesco: ombres et lumières
Chapter 3: L’évolution du droit international public dans la considération des cultures en situation de menace ou de discrimination: vers un principe de multiculturalisme?
Deuxième partie: approches régionales : l’importance accordée à la diversité culturelle en europe et en amérique latine

Part II: The Value of Cultural Diversity within Regional Contexts: Europe and Latin America
Chapter 4: L’appréhension juridique de l’identité culturelle. entre autodéfinition et objectivation
Chapter 5: La protection des identités culturelles dans le contexte européen?
Chapter 6: Pour un droit à la différence culturelle. un plaidoyer à double tranchant?
Chapter 7: Le pluralisme juridique en question(s) : le cas des droits autochtones en amérique latine
Troisième partie: la diversité culturelle appréhendée au niveau national et dans des situations transfrontières

Part III: Cultural Diversity on National Level and in Cross-Border Situations
Chapter 8: La diversité culturelle vue à travers le prisme du droit international privé de la famille tunisien et marocain: le maghreb au deux visages
Chapter 9: Repudiated, by husband and europe ? a critical re-assessment of the policies of recognition of islamic repudiations in western legal systems
Chapter 10: Lost in Nationality: Private International Law and Cultural Diversity
Chapter 11: “Inconvenient Loves” : The Mismanagement of Interfaith Marriages in Lebanon and Egypt
Chapter 12: Volition and Religion: A Rights-Based Appraisal of Islamic Arbitration in England
Chapter 13: Religious Diversity in Romania: Europe’s Best Pupil?

Selected Bibliography
Analytical Index.