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Peaceful Order in the World's Oceans: Essays in Honor of Satya N. Nandan

Edited by: Michael W. Lodge, Myron H. Nordquist

ISBN13: 9789004249264
Published: May 2014
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £157.00

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No individual has contributed more to the stability and peaceful order in the world’s oceans in the last four decades than Satya N. Nandan. Peaceful Order in the World’s Oceans, edited by Michael W. Lodge and Myron H. Nordquist, collects original and substantive essays in his honor from eminent figures from around the world.

The volume is organized into four parts. With contributions from leading statesmen and women, the first section focuses on Ambassador Nandan's unique talents and accomplishments as a diplomat. Next, a series of essays examines Nandan’s pivotal involvement in framing The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and provides original topical contributions on baselines, offshore drilling and delimitation of the continental shelf. Contributions related to deep seabed mining, the establishment of the International Seabed Authority and marine scientific research are included in the third part and finally, chapters devoted to international fisheries, issues of sustainability, conservation and management are offered.

Peaceful Order in the World’s Oceans will be of great interest to all those concerned with the Law of the Sea.

Public International Law

Satya N. Nandan
Michael W. Lodge
Myron H. Nordquist

A Tribute to Satya Nandan by Tommy Koh
Reflections on Ambassador Satya Nandan by Hasjim Djalal
Satya Nandan—the Honest Broker Diplomat by S. Jayakumar
Diplomat and Agent of Change by Mary Beth West

Satya N. Nandan’s Role in Drafting the Informal Single Negotiating Text: Aspects of the Preparatory Work for UNCLOS by Gudmundur Eiriksson
Baselines in the Modern Law of the Sea by David H. Anderson
Islands by Andrew J. Jacovides
Asia and UNCLOS: Progress, Practice and Problems by Tommy Koh
The Re-Birth of Japan as an Ocean State: The Basic Act on Ocean Policy and Its Impacts by Moritaka Hayashi
Offshore Drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf: International Best Practices and Safety Standards in the Wake of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill by Myron H. Nordquist and Aimee Fausser
Delimitation of the Continental Shelf and Determination of the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles in Areas of Overlapping Claims: The Nordic Model by Tomas H. Heidar
The Inexorable Rise of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea within the European Legal Order by Ronán Long
Declarations of Competence in the Law of the Sea, a Very European Affair by Liesbeth Lijnzaad
Croatian Writers and State Practice in the Law of the Sea by Budislav Vukas
Memorializing UNCLOS III, Interpreting the Law of the Sea Convention, and the Virginia Commentary by John E. Noyes

The Contribution of the Regulations of the International Seabed Authority to the Progressive Development of International Environmental Law by Rüdiger Wolfrum
Some Reflections on the Evolutionary Approach to the Establishment of the International Seabed Authority by Gwenaëlle Le Gurun
Marine Scientific Research in the Area by J. Ashley Roach
Satya Nandan’s Legacy for the Heritage of Mankind by Michael W. Lodge

The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Between Soft and Hard Law by Tullio Treves
Satya Nandan’s Contribution to the Development of the Precautionary Approach in International Law by David Freestone
Sustainable World Fisheries: Elements of Success by Ichiro Nomura
The Evolution of International Fisheries Law in the Island Nations of the Pacific: The Quest for Control by Transform Aqorau
Progress in the Implementation of Conservation and Management Measures for Bigeye and Yellowfin Tunas in the Western and Central Pacific: Sharing the Conservation Burden and Benefit by Quentin Hanich and Martin Tsamenyi
Father of the WCPFC Convention: Ambassador Satya N. Nandan by Nien-Tsu Alfred Hu